1545 search results for symfony bundle

... of the Bundle. But there is good news! There is a solution that you only write once and it works for all your bundles, I found it here. https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/22700#issuecomment-301151130 ` bundle_routes: resource: "../src/Bundles/*/Resources/config/routes.yml" ` ...
Jose carlos C.
Jose carlos C.
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... /symfony/symfony-standard/blob/d1a58966915db183cc646d67254861e26664e684/composer.json#L55-L61 You *could* also try upgrading `sensio/distribution-bundle` - it's *possible* that you have a super old version that is not reading this config correctly, but that's a wild guess. Let me know if you find the cause! Cheers!
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Hi, great tutorial ! I have a question : I want to add a standalone kernel for unit testing in a bundle. When in setUp function I do : $kernel = new AppKernel('test', true); $kernel->boot(); $container = $kernel ...
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Hi victor I upgraded from 2.2.0 to "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "2.4.*@dev", but still no luck. It is ok I will give up on this one since it is not worth the time. Instead I will just listen to the video and ...
Hello, knp-markdown-bundle causes a "A tree builder without a root node is deprecated since Symfony 4.2" error in Symfony 4.2. Someone already made a fix which is awaiting being merged: https://github.com/KnpLabs ...
Emakina F.
Emakina F.
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... into symfony. I put one in /app/resources/views/left_right/show_left_right.html.twig. I copied your genus_aqua structure. For the other I made a bundle: /src/ClockwiseCounterclockwiseBundle/Resources/views/Default ...
Jim Fuqua
Jim Fuqua
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... its composer.json file to see `symfony/framework-bundle: ^2.0 || ^3.0`. If you see "^3.0" - it should work and you can do upgrade. P.S. Don't forget to fix all deprecations in 2.8 before upgrading. We have a tutorial about it: How to Upgrade to Symfony 2.8, then 3.0. Cheers!
Hey Amine, That makes sense as you can see this course is based on Symfony v5.2. The symfony/stimulus-bundle requires at least Symfony 5.4, so to be able to install it - you need to upgrade your dependencies first ...
Hello, First of all, I love your tutorials. :o) It helped me a lot. What I have problem with, is Assetic Bundle of Symfony 2.2.3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16655664/symfony-2-assetic-fatal-error-class-assetic ...
... Web Server Bundle is deprecated in Symfony 4.4) and the PHP's built-in Web Server after altering some twig template and then clearing the cache via cache:clear. When hitting again on page refresh the error comes out. I had to comment out `apc.enable_cli=1` in my php.ini. Since then no more crashes.
Hey Bertin, Oh, I see... It sounds exactly like Symfony team manages their repositories: they have subtree for each bundle/component, but it's readonly. All the work is going to happen in symfony/symfony repository. I ...
Hello, In the Symfony Profiler (Logs section, under "Deprecations" tab), I have this message : A tree builder without a root node is deprecated since Symfony 4.2 and will not be supported anymore in 5.0. { /var ...

... Let's get started! First, we need to create a Twig extension. In a previous course, we installed Symfony Maker Bundle. Let's see if that can help generate some boilerplate code. At your terminal, run ...

... ...). It recognize only the id, and when I ctrl-click on this "id", it brings me to the other App\Entity\User defined : vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/tests/Util/fixtures/add_one_to_one_relation ...
Chuck norris
Chuck norris
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... a *code generator*, not a bundle. See how Symfony Maker works... it's a bundle, but it generates some code via different commands and put it into your src/ dir directly, so you can further change it without any overridding as it's *your* custom code, not a third-party code anymore. I hope it sheds a light for you! Cheers!
... firewall that just prevents you from making the web debug toolbar and profiler not accessible - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/62271a461b640d2d91fd8aaa779f6d65d7a66ec0/symfony/security-bundle/5.1/config/packages ...
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... ={"GET", "POST"}) ... ``` In TestController ``` namespace App\Tests; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Client; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase; use Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Cookie; use Symfony ...
... 272 { …} ./vendor/doctrine/data-fixtures/src/Executor/ORMExecutor.php:20 { …} ./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle/Command/LoadDataFixturesDoctrineCommand.php:159 { …} ./vendor/symfony/console ...
Customizing Text via Translations

... it's probably being set deep in some PHP file somewhere. Do we need to override that file? Nope! Every string you see from this bundle is being passed through the translator. So to change text, you just need to ...

Adding the AJAX Touch JavaScript

... sweet bundle called FOSJsRoutingBundle that can do this much better. It let’s you actually generate Symfony routes right in JavaScript. It’s easy to use, so include it in your projects!
