1545 search results for symfony bundle

Hey Yangzhi, Yes, you can override templates in third-party bundles, please take a look at Symfony docs: https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/override.html#templates - you just need to create a correct path in a specific dir that will match the path of the template from the 3rd-party bundle you want to override. Cheers! ...
After following along with the video I get this error: Asset with public path "/assets/@symfony/stimulus-bundle/controllers.js" not found Any suggestions as to why? I used to use Webpack Encore but I believe I have successfully removed it and am trying to use Asset Mapper. Thank you. ...
Thanx for your reply, Ryan. Oh, there is already a bundle. Wow. I guess you believe that I searched for Asset Mapper and TS before asking here … But I didn't get any helpful results. So, I'll take my xmas holiday to try converting a fun project with Symfony & React 18 to Asset Mapper. ...
Ok, so the web profiler is not even requested. I'm guessing you don't have installed the `WebProfilerBundle`, if you don't install it by running `composer require symfony/web-profiler-bundle` in case you do, double check that you have a `web_profiler.yaml` file inside the `config/routes` directory ...
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... your `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` is *slightly* different than the one that comes with the recipe: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/main/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/2.4/manifest.json#L31 Cheers!
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Hello. With the new version of Symfony 6.2, you can generate a dashboard, but all the data for Secure `#[IsGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')]` Login-Template, `src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php` are missing, ... , and the ...
Hey, Viral! There's the KnpUGuardBundle which you need to install first, because out-of-the-box Guard component available since Symfony ^2.8. only. But keep in mind that some dependencies should be updated to "^2.6 ...
Hey Joel R. It's hard to tell what went wrong but I believe there was an incompatibility between Webpack Encore (in package.json) and Symfony Webpack Bundle (in composer.json) but as I said, it's hard to be sure because these kind of problems requires to debug deeper. Anyways, I'm glad you could surpass your problem Cheers! ...
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... "Doctrine itself doesn't come with any pagination features." "Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator" is there at least from 2013 (version 2.4). It is very simple to compare with KnpPagination Bundle, but it is there. This pure doctrine paginator is also used in the Symfony FastTrack book.
Hey Nick! Hm, could you make sure you installed the bundle assets? For it, please, rerun: $ bin/console assets:install Then, try to clear the Symfony cache. Also probably do a force reload in your browser just in case or open the website in Incognito. Cheers! ...
For those who would read this and didn't get a new `make:factory` command. I think the new recipes (v1.10+) are not compatible with Symfony 5.1.x. Make sure you register the bundle manually. `# config/bundles.php return [ // ... Zenstruck\Foundry\ZenstruckFoundryBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true], ];` ...
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ok quick question: "composer require knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle" installed all this thing, but did not add that line into bundles.php I did that manually and it's ok but maybe anyone knows why is that? I have PHP 8< and Symfony 6< versions ...
... symfony/maker-bundle v1.11.6 requires doctrine/inflector ^1.2 -> found doctrine/inflector[v1.2.0, ..., 1.4.4] but the package is fixed to 2.0.4 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
Hey Robert W. You're totally right. The Doctrine version that Symfony 4.4 uses has a few structural changes and most importantly, they dropped their cache implementation (that's why you had to removed the cache bundle). Thanks for sharing your solution with others. Cheers! ...
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Thank you Victor. I found the mistake by looking at ux-collection-bundle. The problem was symfony-flex don't see the package.json when its inside src/Resources/assets folder. The Resources folder has to be inside the project root to make this work. ...
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My question is now - Do I have to name my package inside the package.json after the symfony bundle? I guess yes. I tried to rename it (make it shorter) but it was not recognized anymore. Am I right, that renaming is not possible ? ...
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Hey Maxim, Thank you for your interest in SymfonyCasts tutorials! Yeah, we do want to release a course about translations some day, but I have no release date yet. Meanwhile, I'd recommend you to look at this bundle ...
Hello, is this tutorial can be for Symfony 5 (with same code) with PHP 8 ? Do you recommend a bundle that would do absolutely everything we do in this tutorial, without having to code everything ourselves, but for the same result? ...
... Here's the issue tracking this - https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/issues/118 - I'm going to have someone check into it and (assuming there IS a bug, which I think there is) fix it soon :). Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
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Hey Petru! Yea, there must be a way. Have you read this answer of Ryan? https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-uploads/flysystem-imagine-bundle#comment-5302565437 Perhaps if you read this guide you may find out a solution https://flysystem.thephpleague.com/v2/docs/advanced/upgrade-to-2.0.0/ Cheers! ...
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