1545 search results for symfony bundle

... example here: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/1.6/manifest.json#L33-L36 Cheers!
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... when we add the routes.xml file https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/routes-controllers#routing :) Cheers!
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... this in your own project, try upgrading to at least MakerBundle 1.21.0, which fixed this bug https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle/releases/tag/v1.21.0 Cheers!
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... controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController::urlRedirectAction defaults: path: /important-pages permanent: true ```
... Ohh you're on Symfony 4.4 and you're using DoctrineBundle 2.x - You didn't download the course code, did you? :) The problem is the `doctrine/cache` library, you can try removing it or, probably a better solution would be to downgrade `doctrine/doctrine-bundle` to version 1 (you're on version 2)
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Hey Dimitrios, Technically, you can just paste the configuration from webpack_encore.yaml to your app/config/services.yaml or app/config.yml file, depending on the version of Symfony that is used in your project. In other words, just do the same you do for any other bundle configuration in your project. Cheers! ...
Hi, again me, when i install my bundle with, composer req my/package i get an error : !! DependencyInjection/config/packages/synology.yaml !! In SynologyExtension.php line 23 ...
Damien millet
Damien millet
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Hi, I tried to remove the cache manually but nothing happened. This is my test case ``` namespace App\Tests\Functional; use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase; class CheeseListingResourceTest ...
Gaetano S.
Gaetano S.
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Please provide a link to the preferred wkhtmltopdf package/bundle for symfony, as long as you mention it (which is a 100% great way to learn about new tools). And, what exactly is the other approaches Ryan mentions at 4:34? I'd like to be able to make an informed decision/choice on this matter. ...
Volodymyr T.
Volodymyr T.
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... I've found the solution. Each request forces the kernel to shutdown (https://github.com/symfony/framework-bundle/blob/4.4/Client.php#L119), this includes wiping the database when using RefreshDatabaseTrait. I added ...
Hi, in symfony 2.3 I used (in TWIG file): {% set nameBundle = app.request.get('_template').get('bundle') %} {% set nameEntity = app.request.get('_template').get('controller') %} I try to use in 2.8/3.0 ...
... It's ok now, I don't know why the recipe still does not work in the original project from which it was extracted BUT the installation of the bundle and the recipe works with all my other Symfony projects. Weird but I give up the idea of understanding, too bad!
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Hey Graymath technology I believe Symfony plugin people dropped that feature because I can't do it either but the good news is you don't need it anymore, you can generate any boiler plate file by using the MakerBundle ...
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Hey @Medah I believe it works the same, the only thing that changed is the location of FOSUserBundle configuration. If you installed the bundle using Symfony Flex, then you should have a `fos_user.yaml` file inside `config/packages`, just add the config logic there, and that should be it. Cheers! ...
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... Yeah, it's because `liip/imagine-bundle` dropped support of Symfony 4.2 in latest release, so that's why I advised to use version 2.2 Anyways, we are working on fixing it on our tutorial code, so thank you very much for report, stay tuned! Cheers!
... tense Naming convention git commit messages It should be read like "If applied it will"... 'Update symfony/twig-bundle' ...
... Hey Ed, You're welcome! P.S. And now MakerBundle is able to generate "forgotten password" feature! All you need to have for this like Controllers, templates, etc. are auto-generated and ready to use and customize for devs! See related merged PR: https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle/pull/359/files Cheers! ...
Hey Maik T.! Hmm. Are you sure that's needed? The part you added was the "else", correct? That alias was already added in the services.xml file - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/interface-alias#codeblock-6d4cc8dcdc Or am I missing something? It's totally possible :). Cheers! ...
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Hi ! I do not see any output to the consume command. I tried -v, -vv, -vvv with no results. I can see in the database that messages are inserted then deleted, so it works well, but still no output of the worker command. I use Symfony 4.3, php 7.2, the monolog bundle 3.5.0 and launch the command on ubuntu. Any idea? ...
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... ] Class "AppBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadBasicParkData" can't implement "OrderedFixtureInterface" and "DependentFixtureInterface" at the same time. I use Symfony 3.3.18 and doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "2.4.1" You know why ?