1545 search results for symfony bundle

Hi guys: I returned to check Chapter 16 because I have deployed a Symfony App that uses Easy Admin Bundle and I got an error saying ../var/cache/prod/easy_admin was not writable. I fixed it giving 0777 to that folder but I wonder if there is a better solution. Do you have any tip about this? I will appreciate it. Cesar ...
Hey Daniel L.! Hmm. The recipe from symfony/framework-bundle should have given you these files. It makes me think that recipe didn't run. First thing to try: empty your vendor directory and run "composer install" - that might trigger that recipe to execute, if it didn't for some reason. Cheers! ...
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Finally I found it here https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/tagging-system, of course I didn't know the concept and I didn't know how to search. I'm going to try if I have any questions in linked video. Thanks so much ...
Jose carlos C.
Jose carlos C.
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... //github.com/api-platform/core/blob/d86f95613f7c080e8bb3112c938610d7714192b8/src/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php#L279-L283 Cheers!
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Hello ojtouch It's normal that you see that deprecation message. You are using Symfony 4.2 and course code uses version 4.1. You can ignore this message, soon knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle will be updated and this message will fly away Cheers! ...
I am using Symfony 4. My routes for login are working but I don't know why the files haven't been imported to the App folder. Now, I have to edit the files in the vendor/FOS/user-bundle folder. Is this correct or am I missing something. ...
Ravee s G.
Ravee s G.
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I might be jumping ahead here but in Symfony 3 I override the SensioGeneratorBundle form, controller and templates to save modifying them each time I generate a new ones. Is this possible with the Maker Bundle in a similar way. Any plans to cover this or is there some docs already? Cheers Steve ...
... \vendor\symfony\web-server-bundle/Resources/router.php' (include_path='C:\xampp_\php\PEAR') in Unknown on line 0 Does anyone know what this is about?
Adriel Werlich
Adriel Werlich
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... The "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerTrait::getUser()" method is considered final. It may change without further notice as of its next major version. You should not extend it from "App\Controller ...
Hey Kim, Thanks for sharing your solution! I think you can continue using MySQL 5.5 but you need to specify your version in the doctrine configuration, see this "server_version" key: https://github.com/symfony/recipes ...
I call it in ArticleController. In the twig template, it's working well :-) I think it could be good :-) I have a notification in my profiler, I don't know if there is a link : User Deprecated: The "Sensio\Bundle ...
Maybe I found the solution but I would like your opinion. I have to require symfony/framework-bundle --dev Into my Kernel class I use MicroKernelTrait and I registered "FrameworkBundle" like this: ``` public function ...
... >initializeContainer() #17 /Users/ashatou/Work (Local)/2. Personal/11. Learning/Symfony/SymfonyCast/code-symfony5-doctrine/code-symfony5-doctrine/start/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Console/Application.php(168): Symfony ...
... /doctrine-extensions is just a PHP/Doctrine library that was ported to Symfony as a bundle thanks to StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle. unfortunately, it has a very slow support, so a guy decided to fork it and make Symfony 5 ...
... ", which is odd. We use a `UriSigner` class from Symfony and the logic is pretty simple: A) We ask it to sign the URL - https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/verify-email-bundle/blob/main/src/VerifyEmailHelper.php#L56 B) We ...
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Contentful Loading Data from an External CMS

... manually create a new value type and do all the work that we did before, except making API requests to Contentful instead of querying the database. But! We don't even need to do that! Why? Because Layouts already has a bundle ...

The prod Environment

... Symfony is done by a service. Second, bundles give us services. And third, we can control how those services are instantiated via the different bundle configuration in config/packages/. Now, let's go one important step further by creating our own service.

Foundry Fixture Model Factories

... you want to seed your database with data at the start of each test. It even has extra features for test assertions! The bundle was created by Kevin Bond - a long time Symfony contributor and friend of mine who's been ...

All about services.yaml

When Symfony creates its container, it needs to get a big list of every service that should be in the container: each service's id, class name and the arguments that should be passed to its constructor. It gets this big ...

Resetting the Database Between Tests

... Alice. Find your terminal and install it with: composer require "alice:^2.7" --dev This will install hautelook/alice-bundle. What does that bundle actually do? I've talked about it a ...
