1545 search results for symfony bundle

... detects that the symfony/translation component is installed. So, IF your bundle put symfony/translation into its "require" key, then you can effectively assume that the user will have the translator component. If it is an ...
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Hey @Rsteuber! Hmm, that is mysterious! To get more info, I would: A) First, triple-check that this line is the problem - https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/verify-email-bundle/blob/main/src/VerifyEmailHelper.php#L69 ...
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Linking Symfony deps to your Local Copy

... Here's the question now: how can we make our test app use the pull request code from the symfony/ directory? Check out the vendor/symfony directory in the app: it's just a bunch of sub-directories, each containing code ...

... my controller: ``` use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\Security\Http ...
Asimsagir Abbasi
Asimsagir Abbasi
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... I'm getting an exception and an error right after pressing enter button multiple times for parameters. I'm trying to install the latest version v2.5 with "composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition ...
Enkhbilguun E.
Enkhbilguun E.
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... ) [Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException] You have to enable opcache.load_comments=1 or zend_optimizerplus.load_comments=1. 2) Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer ...
... message, I don't know what to do Here is my terminal : ➜ cauldron_overflow git:(master) ✗ composer require encore Using version ^1.11 for symfony/webpack-encore-bundle ./composer.json has been updated Running ...
Arthur B.
Arthur B.
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... be ok: when you run composer install, Symfony symlinks public files (e.g. CSS files, JS files) from the bundle into your public/bundles folder. On Windows, symlinks don't work - so it copies those files, which is totally ...
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... \Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\string . The complete Messages are: for new Response(): Expected Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\string|void, got string Inspection Info: Invocation parameter types are not compatible ...
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... /asset_mapper.html#framework-asset-mapper-paths 2) Or, you can effectively do the same thing... but have your bundle add this path automatically. See https://github.com/symfony/ux/blob/2.x/src/StimulusBundle/src/DependencyInjection ...
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... that it is now part of Symfony 3 and that FOSUserBundle isn't really needed anymore. Sooo, my question really is, should I stick with the Symfony 3 track to build my own, or go with the bundle and learn how to override and extend? (As a noob, wanting to get going, but also taking the right routes at the start if possible!)
Robert Went
Robert Went
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... Perhaps related, if I go to the prod environment I get another error on the single Genus page: Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\SecurityUserValueResolver' not found in [...]appProdProjectContainer.php on line 1501
Hey Rodrypaladin, Hm, `clear:cache` may not work somethings... could you try `rm -rf var/cache/`? Stil the same error? Do you have `symfony/mercure` or `symfony/mercure-bundle` package installed in your project ...
Hi, I searched a while through older versions of the doctrine-dbal-repo and tried downgrades of the doctrine-bundle, but I did not find the needed exact change in the vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Types/Types.php, where ...
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... stuck, because you’re using the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle and the official Symfony docs are saying: ``` SensioFrameworkExtraBundle It's no longer recommended to use this bundle in current Symfony applications ...
... symfony/stimulus-bundle` Then I did it again : `npm install --force` ` npm run watch` However, this wasn't enough, I still have requests without ajax, and the console.log returns Turbo is not defined. The two files (controllers.json, bootstrap.js) have not been modified.
... followed the documentation and added: use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; I'm doing this: public function account() { $em ...
Sergio Medina
Sergio Medina
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... Anyways, it looks like you hit this issue - https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle/issues/1001 - which was fixed in 1.36! Cheers!
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... with `composer recipes:install symfony/framework-bundle --force -v` and when I ran the app I got a fatal `Error: Failed opening required '[/path/to/my/]vendor/autoload_runtime.php'`. Seeing I was in over my head, I ...
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... started with our course code, try to install the same version of the bundle like we use in our videos, for this run: composer require "knplabs/knp-time-bundle:v1.16.0" Let me know if it does not help. Otherwise, I would like to know more about your Symfony version so I could help further. Cheers!