1545 search results for symfony bundle

... ``` @FOSUser templates/bundles/FOSUserBundle/ @FOSUser vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Resources/views/ ``` If you don't see that first entry, then yea, something is wrong... but I don't know what. Definitely ...
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Hey Ryan, Thanks for these fun courses in Symfony 6 :) Regarding the commands, is there a bundle that would allow commands to be run only once? I'm looking for behavior that's similar to doctrine migrations, where ...
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Hi weaverryan Please look this scenario. in my symfony 2.8 project i have FOSUserBundle under vendor (as we had already discussed in PRE_1 and PRE_2). in that bundle i want to put a public folder, which will ...
Sudhir Gupta
Sudhir Gupta
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... current method of doing it. If you are using a Symfony bundle to do translations (and it works for you) my advise would be... Don't throw it away! You can dump your translation strings all in the template inside a ...
... tagged in bundle's "services.xml", so it looks like no way for bundle users to exclude words, which `KnpUWordProvider` provides, from final words set. At least, it looks no way for me, 'cause I'm noobie in Symfony ...
Boolean T.
Boolean T.
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Hey CharlES, Not really! Bundles still remain in Symfony, but it's not recommend anymore to orginize *your* own code with bundles anymore, just use directory structure in your src/ folder and that's it. Bundles remain ...
Hi, I must have skipped one page, I don't have the config/packages/doctrine.yaml file. I tried "composer require doctrine/doctrine-bundle" which added "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.9" in my composer.json but nothing ...
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Installing API Platform

... Platform Version 3, which I promise is as fun as playing with Legos. Just don't tell my son I said that. API Platform is, very simply, a tool on top of Symfony that allows us to build powerful APIs and love the process! It's ...

Updating the webpack-encore-bundle Recipe

... composer recipes:install symfony/webpack-encore-bundle --force -v Start checking out the updates with: git add -p Change one: it added /public/build/ to the .gitignore file ...

heyy @diego aguiar , thanks for replying , to be honest i'm new to symfony , i'm trying to make a E-learning website and while trying to implement FOSUser bundle i tryed to follow you through the video but but i don't ...
Amin Gharbi
Amin Gharbi
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Cheers victor, this to me seems like a really bad idea . from symfony - how are we supposed to edit private bundles on the fly? Previously this was done via submodule and this system worked well, now we need to edit the ...
I have found way to get things work, I have used "use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;", when I use "use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;", it's just not working. app: resource ...
Marijan Milovec
Marijan Milovec
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... ``` \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase::bootKernel() ``` my tests take forever now, and when I mean forever, I mean that I was still not able to run them all (over night..). Do you have any solution for that by chance?
Igor Weigel
Igor Weigel
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... ": "string", "email": "string", "created_at": "2024-05-04T13:57:39.582Z" } ``` I've tried setting up symfony and api platform over and over again, generating the entity via maker bundle, the same things happen. Thanks in advance!
Hi Ryan, I am trying to install the require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle. However I keep getting this back : [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterNotFoundException ...
I have (or is it "am in") a dillema. I see you updated the script with a link to the sassbundle (https://symfony.com/bundles/SassBundle/current/index.html). BUT on that page there is a tip that says: "While this bundle ...
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Howdy, I have set this up just like in the tutorial but every time I try to validate the link it throws an exception with the message that the link is invalid. I read that there was a problem in the maker-bundle to ...
Hi @Ange-B, Can you give more context? Where exactly do you want to get User info? IIRC if you are using `LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle` it already stores the user info in symfony security system, so it can be ...
... not support the request." and "Did you forget to run \"composer require symfony/twig-bundle\"? As I said: in dev-mode the app works perfectly. Any ideas ? Thanks
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Hey BYT, I don't think so... unless you will find a bundle or a library on GitHub that may help you with this. Doctrine only allows you to import mapping information from an existing database - for this you can ...