1545 search results for symfony bundle

I figured the bootstrap issue. It seems the requirement bootstrap from the symfony docs is not needed in my case because I was already importing the bootstrap bundle directly from the node module: `import 'bootstrap ...
... 🙃). Anyways - thanks for posting - and if you ARE using the latest version of MakerBundle, it would be awesome if you could open an issue about this on https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle Cheers!
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yes, right .. that was the one of the concern about this. to update the version . i just tring to do the same as i got document in following link https://packagist.org/packages/knpuniversity/guard-bundle In above ...
Viral Champanery
Viral Champanery
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Hi victor, Thanks for giving me valuable time , I have the my code in 2.3.23 symfony version and it allows me to add only guard but not guardBundle .so can you help me out with this. that i can make user ...
Viral Champanery
Viral Champanery
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Hi! When I do : composer require --dev "phpunit/phpunit:^6.5" (or : composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit), I get the following error : In Process.php line 143: [TypeError] Argument 1 passed to Symfony ...
... constructor now: http://api.symfony.com/2.2/Symfony/Bundle/TwigBundle/Controller/ExceptionController.html I know it's sh*tload of work, and I really appreciate everything you do!!! But would it be possible to update this part ...
Hey, thanks for the tips, my main issue was version differences. The most impacting one is indeed annotations mapping. I tried to change them manually but I still got errors related to repository. For the bundle, I ...
... inside App just Use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase; paste the above use statement above cheeselistingresource.php inside tests if you get an error in self::container inside cheeselistingresource.php use $container= static::getContainer();
Sakshi G.
Sakshi G.
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... steps to reproduce this? I suppose you downloaded the course and started from start/ folder following the steps from README? Did it work well in previous chapters? Btw, do you have symfony/maker-bundle installed in your project? Cheers!
Excellent question! They do not. This is controlled in your `config/packages/doctrine.yaml` file: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/2.4/config/packages/doctrine.yaml#L13-L16 You ...
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Hi, I have been seeing a lot of 3rd party bundle the that make use of FormHandlers. What is this and why we need this? I also read about it in the book An year with Symfony. Official documentation does not mention this ...
Shairyar Baig
Shairyar Baig
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I there some way to give turbo access to our symfony routes? I'm currently using the jsrouting bundle in a non-turbo project to generate dynamic routes in js. The routes are created using data from an ajax response ...
Ok, thank you for your reply. Where can I find a working example for that kind of recipe? I searched one for Ux swup but did not found one. And there is something what confuses me - when I install one of the symfony-ux ...
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Hello Ryan. I just have a problem. My Bundles package.json contains a working configuration. And this even worked when I wrote the given entries manually into the controllers.json of my test app. Anyway symfony flex ...
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Hey Lionel, Unfortunately, Maker bundle only generates migrations for MySQL database. But in case you have configured multiple connections to multiple DB in your project, you can use DoctrineMigrationBundle's commands ...
The configuration file in the version 2.6 of Liip_inagine bundle (for Symfony 5.2) has only the following entries `liip_imagine: driver: "gd"` The lines have to be added to create the thumbnails (notice the way the ...
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Hey Michael B. Yes, in this case, I think there should not be any difference unless a third party bundle implements your interface and then, in a different config file you register that service. In that situation, I ...
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Hey Kiuega! Wow! Awesome job there! Yes, you're 1000% right about make:auth... and I'm so happy that you got the login throttler working! And what a *beautiful* issue you made on Symfony - it was able to quickly look ...
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Hey Steven, Yes, that's a known WebpackEncoreBundle problem, you need to reset its state every time you send an email. Take a look at the docs: https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle#rendering-multiple-times ...
... MicroKernelTrait or registerContainerConfiguration() if not - it makes no difference) - I create a public alias to the real private service. Here is an example - https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/blob/main/tests/IntegrationTest.php#L368 Let me know what you think! Cheers!
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