1545 search results for symfony bundle

But you see, I just tried to install the bundle on another project - it worked! :) Maybe, I have wrong setting on my home test project or I had to wait a bit until it worked (I guess waiting, because the installation ...
Boolean T.
Boolean T.
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Hello, Thank for all tutorials about Symfony. Very good staff ! I try to do this one and I have this error after add the new method findAllRecentNotesForGenus() inti the controller Type error: Argument 1 passed to ...
How do we handle @template in the old appbundle controllers? I get errors of: Unable to find template (Lookeed into: project/templates). In this tutorial I dont think we told symfony to look for the twig templates in ...
Michael L.
Michael L.
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There is something wrong, that doesn't work for me, I can't explain but found working solution. Can anyone explain? Environment ` ... "php": ">=7.2.5", "api-platform/core": "^2.5", "symfony/framework-bundle": "5.1 ...
... //github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/issues/10 P.S. The only way to do what you want for now is to get files as array using encore_entry_css_files() Twig function and and process it manually in a loop. Cheers!
Hey Gaetano, It looks like you're extending the wrong class, the class name is correct, but the namespace is not. You need `use App\ApiPlatform\Test\ApiTestCase;` instead of `use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle ...
Hey Voltel, Our advice is KnpSnappyBundle: https://github.com/KnpLabs/KnpSnappyBundle - that just a wrapper around Wkhtmltopdf tool. And looks like it' the most popular bundle for Symfony that works with PDF ...
Looks like something totally wrong with `\Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer` in the app... I found out that same "removing" from JSON-template issue connects also to PhoneNumber (part of odolbeau/phone-number ...
... and *would* be simple. I would also *at least* upgrade a few of the most important recipes - like framework-bundle and symfony/console. If you try it, let me know how it goes! Cheers!
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Hey be_tnt What you could do is to put all the bundle files in a non-accessible web directory (in other words, out of the public directory in Symfony), and then, code a controller's action (an endpoint), so it can ...
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Hey George H Sorry for the late reply. By default Symfony will look inside `app/Resources/views`, then iniside `src/AppBundle/Resources/views` (and inside any other bundle you may have) and lastly, it will look ...
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Hi, I have a problem when deploying to prod environment on Centos server, I set APP_ENV=prod in .env file then I exported APP_ENV=prod as suggested in Symfony official documentation, then ran composer install (with or ...
Benoit L.
Benoit L.
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Hey Edward B. That was an excellent research! The key thing here is Symfony5 uses DoctrineBundle *2*, not version one as Symfony4 does (That's the Symfony version we used for this tutorial). DoctrineBundle2 comes with ...
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The bundle is working well for sluggable and timestampable chapters here, with Symfony 5. I needed to add to config/services.yaml: ``` Knp\DoctrineBehaviors\EventSubscriber\SluggableSubscriber: tags: - { name ...
Edward B.
Edward B.
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... object given, called in /var/www/html/symfony/LoremIpsumBundle/tests/cache/000000005cb2b796000000006d90088b/ContainerGFPl0u4/getKnpuLoremIpsum_KnpuIpsumService.php on line 9` I had to add below code to the Bundle Class ...
Hello there, How do I use bin/console command line related doctrine & make bundle to set primary key property on a an existing db field/entity property in symfony. Or this has to be done using annotation? Can you ...
Hey weaverryan ! Two weeks later I was finally able to try your solution ! And it works !!! Thank you so much, I'm so satisfied to finally be able to authenticate with a Symfony API. And well noted for the CORS thing ...
Can you Actually update the code so it matches Symfony 4, The Slack bundle is not useable with S4 and LTS is abondoned. Keep getting errors like `Executing script cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script cache:clear returned ...
Jean-pierre W.
Jean-pierre W.
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Hey Igor P. Good questions :) It's a common practice to use annotations to handle your metadata in Symfony but of course it depends. If you are developing a third party bundle, then, it's better to use an xml file for ...
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Hey! I have error: Type error: Too few arguments to function Mwil\DummyArticleBundle\Controller\DummyArticleApiController::__construct(), 0 passed in C:\github\create-bundle\vendor\symfony\http-kernel ...
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