1545 search results for symfony bundle

... when you are defining a service (i.e. something under the `services:` key), Symfony needed some way to differentiate between you setting an argument to the string `logger` and the *service* `logger`. Simple enough! We'll ...
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... the best way to do this. When installing everything ran rather smooth until I tried to run the server and I get this huge error: `Exception thrown when handling an exception (Symfony\Component\Config\Exception ...
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... should wire your services manually. Here are some details about that https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/bundle-services I hope that helps! Excellent question! Cheers!
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Hi Guys, following error shows up while installing the bundle : The autoloader expected class "Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\Helper\MarkdownHelper" to be defined in file "D:\dev\the-spacebar\vendor\composer/../knplabs ...
Kristof Kreimeyer
Kristof Kreimeyer
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... simply want to be able to "play" with your bundle by writing some "dummy" code? Usually, if you're in a Symfony application (e.g. with a Kernel class), then you already have a `bin/console` file. And this file *already ...
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... Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file > Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache [Symfony\Component\Console\Exception ...
Angela F.
Angela F.
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composer require security

Welcome back friends! I'm so happy that you've stumbled into my Symfony 5 security tutorial for a bunch of reasons. The first is that well... uh... the site that we've been building has NO security... and the raptors ...

Profiler Your Debugging Best Friend

... We're making some pretty serious progress - you should be proud! Let's check out what files we've modified: Add everything: And commit: Because now I want to install one of my absolute favorite tools in Symfony. Run ...

DoctrineBundle Updates Recipe Upgrade

... Even better: upgrade files! Open UPGRADE-2.0.md. There's a lot here: dropping old versions of PHP & Symfony and changes to commands. But if you look closely, you'll find that most of these are pretty minor. The most ...

... *", "symfony/flex": "^1.3.1", "symfony/framework-bundle": "5.3.*", "symfony/runtime": "5.3.*", "symfony/yaml": "5.3.*" }, "require-dev": { }, "config": { "optimize-autoloader ...
sam meunier
sam meunier
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... this code is identical to your download version and nothing has changed. If it is posible for you to generate a simple new Symfony 3.3 application with friendsofsymfony/user-bundle with a copy of the eventlisner from ...
Jürgen Schatral
Jürgen Schatral
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Ryan do you think the following approach would work to minimize the use of files? 1. Create a bundle in Symfony. Name the bundle something like “DummyBundle”. 2. Put in the controller for DummyBundle a PHP file that ...
Jim Fuqua
Jim Fuqua
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... their filename? Anyway, these functions work by reading your `entrypoints.json` file, which is present. The logic lives right here - https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/blob/2.x/src/Asset ...
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... ``` composer require encore:1.14.0 ``` Anyway, that should fix things. Your actual error is because you need to have `@symfony/stimulus-bridge` in your `package.json`. And when you install webpack-encore-bundle version 1 ...
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... adapter no longer being supported), nothing has significantly changed. Oh, but if you want, there is also a newer bundle (was made after I made this tutorial) for working with Flysystem in Symfony: https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem-bundle Cheers!
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... are), then your bundle lives in the `LoremIpsumBundle/`. Directory, this means that Symfony is looking for the file in this EXACT path: ``` LoremIpsumBundle/Resources/config/routes.xml ``` Do you have a file at this ...
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... Hmm, yes, I think I see the issue. The latest version of the bundle doesn't support the Symfony version I'm using. You can fix that (for the purpose of this tutorial) by forcing an older version. We actually have a ...
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... $client object that you passed, I think it should be something that the class provides. For me, I create something like this ` namespace App\Tests; use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase; use App\Entity ...
... when you send it. Then, it has a listener on the kernel.terminate event, which actually sends any queued (spooled) messages: https://github.com/symfony/swiftmailer-bundle/blob/master/EventListener/EmailSenderListener.php ...
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Hi Abelardo L.! Great question! Actually, we likely will NOT move this to Symfony 4. FOSUserBundle has always give you a lot for free - a login form, registration and reset password. However, it came at a high cost ...
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