1545 search results for symfony bundle

... .. and it gives you several that are critically important, but that you don't care about, like src/Kernel.php, bin/console and public/index.php. If the recipe that gave you those files (symfony/framework-bundle is ...
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... these lines from your new services.yaml file: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/cb6ea10b7bb60c4bd9c39ca3e92fb53e7ccce7e5/symfony/framework-bundle/3.3/config/services.yaml#L10-L27 If you remove those lines, then you ...
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I cannot get this project started. The starting code gives me an error on composer install On composer update is the same error. Here is the stack trace. [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException ...
2023 A Year in Tutorials Open Source

For SymfonyCon 2022, I wore a Mickey Mouse costume in front of over 1000 Symfony developers. This year, I brought my 7-year-old son Beckett. You all treated him like a star, made him balloon animals & helped him build ...

Service Objects

I see Symfony as two big parts. The first half is the route, controller, response system. It's dead simple and well... you're already an expert on it! The second half of Symfony is all about the many useful objects that ...


... We're kind of abusing the debug flag: it's mostly used to tell Symfony if it should hide/show errors. If you want to control how your app behaves while developing versus on production, that's normally done with ...

... avoid constant push/pull. IIRC it should be covered here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/extracting-bundle > Or when I work locally on the composer file instead of pointing to github.com pointing to the ...
... endpoint where a user can register. In your case, I guess you just send the email the user wants, and your Symfony app will save this to the database. B) Typically, step 2 would be that you would create some /login endpoint ...
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... ": "->", "function": "remove", "file": "/Users/me/Documents/Projects/api-platform/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/DataPersister/TraceableChainDataPersister.php", "line": 66, "args ...
Cached S3 Filesystem For Thumbnails

... will be broken, right? In the name of science, I command us to try it! Woh! An error!? Error executing ListObjects on https://sf-casts-spacebar ... Could not contact DNS servers. What? Why is our Symfony app trying to ...

Hello there! I got a weird problem I don't know how to solve. Working on Symfony's project in version 6.2, and PHP 8.2 after running `composer require doctrine` errors occur: ``` - symfony/orm-pack[v1.0.0 ...
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Automatic CSS Inlining

... exact - the twig alias will download symfony/twig-pack. The only difference is that the twig-pack will install the normal TwigBundle and a new twig/extra-bundle, which is a library that will help us use some new Twig ...

Bundle Configuration Class

... big ol' error! Yep, each bundle creates its own "tree" of all the valid config keys. In fact, find your terminal. Run: php bin/console config:dump framework This is an example of the ...

Full-JavaScript Rendering FOSJsRoutingBundle

... we're doing with $wrapper. If you're in Symfony, you could cheat and use a cool library called FOSJsRoutingBundle. Google for that, and click the link on the Symfony.com documentation. This allows you to expose some of ...

Hey weaverryan , I agree with Ryan. But if you're interested in deploying with PHP, you can take a look at https://github.com/EasyCorp/easy-deploy-bundle. It's newer than Deployer, but could be interested in Symfony ...
I installed a blank project (3.3) with the symfony installer (and added doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle) and then went through the exact same steps and registration works as expected, the user is added to the database ...
Robert Went
Robert Went
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Hi Ryan, excuse me again ... =( I have a question with this subject. In my application I use the default Provider Entity of symfony, (I have not created a user provider). I want to use the bundle fos oauth server ...
... autocompleted as Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route and not the Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route in the tutorial. It also worked, and I didn't notice the difference until trying to figure out ...
Brian Baquiran
Brian Baquiran
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... Server Error - FileLoaderLoadException This is my controller code: namespace AppBundle\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response ...
Hey Johan! Good fix! The new version of the LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle (released just a couple of days ago) should fix this problem (another awesome user reported it here, and the bundle maintainer fixed it quickly ...
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