1545 search results for symfony bundle

... Hello! i'm getting this error: Type error: Argument 1 passed to AppBundle\Service\MarkdownTransformer::__construct() must be an instance of AppBundle\Service\MarkdownParserInterface, instance of Knp\Bundle ...
Jesus Gabriel Jimenez Blanco
Jesus Gabriel Jimenez Blanco
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Hey |mention:85553| , How to remove? It's as easy as execute `composer remove` command. If you use Symfony Flex - it will also remove config files. If no, you will need to do it manually. But basically, you just need ...
Hey BYT, We always use PHP attributes (or annotations on old tutorials) for configuring entities, so I can't point you to any tutorial but you can see examples in the Symfony docs. For example, you can see how to ...
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... did found a few links from StackOverflow and OctiviLabs (http://labs.octivi.com/database-design-in-saas-platforms/ ) and also, maybe, some helpful bundles https://github.com/tahoelimited/multi-tenancy-bundle but is not ...
Reynier Pérez Mira
Reynier Pérez Mira
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What is a typical/ideal bundle and firewall structure for symfony 2 for a project with the following basic requirements - frontend [ public ] - frontend [ for logged in ] - backend [ for admin ] ... and a few ...
Gerard Araujo
Gerard Araujo
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... cache:clear [KO] and Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Class "Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle\DoctrineCacheBundle" not found in C:\siteEcommerceApema\demo\envoiMail\start ...
Hi, thanks for the help you are giving me! I have compared the symfony/webpack-encore-bundle files with my project and I can't find any differences. Then I compared the @babel folder in node_modules with a working ...
... I see that the `\ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase` is still marked as experimental in the latest a`pi-platform/core` and the last commit was 2 years ago. Does anyone recommend, or uses this in production? Thanks in advance.
Evozon S.
Evozon S.
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Hi, will nice if you're mention in video..not sure from version.. but i see that in my case since 5.3+ lots of changes in security bundle.. no longer is in security.yaml the guard: but there is custom_authenticator ...
Hello I have similar issue which was faced by Boris Rieunier when i run the command: composer update I get the problem on this file Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache ...
Pradeep R.
Pradeep R.
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Hey Jörg daniel F.! That's probably ok. In fact, it's kind of cool :). This is because you're using a newer version of the bundle that I am. And for some reason (https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-symfony/pull/387 ...
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... `registerForAutoconfiguration()` thing - we do it in the *next* chapter: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/tags-compiler-pass#codeblock-1ed6575410 Cheers!
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... instance of ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\Client given, called in /var/www/html/api_platform/src/ApiPlatform/Test/ApiTestCase.php on line 66 /var/www/html/api_platform/src/ApiPlatform/Test ...
Vishal T.
Vishal T.
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... to downgrade yarn to version 1.22: "yarn set version 1.22" and you need .net Famework 2. then you could use the commands from the read me. if you still get "encore" errors do: "composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle" like hanene suggests. but maybe its time to update the course. ;)
I had great difficulty getting node-sass to install without errors (Nov 2020; Symfony 4.2.5, webpack-encore-bundle 1.8.0, yarn 1.22.4, npm 6.14.8). The sass-loader installed ok, but the node-sass command kept giving me ...
Hello friends! I am trying to use the Liip-Bundle following this tut. And it is not going well. I'm on Windows (yo!) and when I start the normal PHP-Built-In server I only get 404s for the /media/cache/resolver images ...
Metin Ö.
Metin Ö.
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Hey triemli! Excellent question! Normally (in your application) all you need to do is create a class that implements EventSubscriberInterface and... boom! Symfony magically sees it and registers it with the event ...
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Hi Well all I did was use this command in my terminal "composer recipes:install symfony/framework-bundle --force -v" then options came up for the updates which is strange. That is where the screen shot came in those ...
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Hey MolloKhan! Thanks for replying! I have created the entity using maker bundle, so the property getter is there. Also, this is what my Question imports looks like: ` use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiResource; use ...
... something changed so that it can update the DOM in some way. There are various ways to do this, but the recommended way in our world for sure is Mercure: https://github.com/symfony/mercure-bundle Unfortunately, we don't have a tutorial on it yet - it's highly asked for. But I hope this will help. Cheers!
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