Do the subscription plans include newly created tutorials and updates to existing tutorials?
Yes! While your subscription is active you will always have access to the newest content and updates (score!)
When my subscription expires will I have access to the tutorials I've watched?
Womp womp, unfortunately not. Once your subscription ends you will lose access to paid content.
Does the monthly subscription end automatically after one month?
It does not, monthly subscriptions are recurring by
default. But you can easily cancel at any point
from your account settings.
Does my admin account use up one of my team licenses?
Nope, your admin account to manage your team does not
count towards your available licenses. And it even has
access to all the video content plus the team stats board. Yay!
Do you offer a discount based on country (PPP)?
We try to make the content accessible to everyone by making the
script and code blocks free below each video. However, we know
that a subscription can be quite expensive depending on your
country. If the price is too high for your area,
contact us
and we'll see if we can help :).
Buying a Single Course or Gift Card
Can I purchase just *one* tutorial, instead of a subscription?
Definitely! But, the option is a bit hidden (to keep things simple
for most users). When you're on a tutorial (e.g.,
click the button to "Buy Access". On the next page, below the subscription
boxes, click the small link: "No thanks, I just want to buy JavaScript for
PHP Geeks for $XX.00."
I've purchased a single tutorial, does this include any updates?
Fixes and corrections will be available. But, version updates may require the purchase of a new tutorial.
Is there an option to purchase a gift card?
You are so thoughtful! You can purchase a gift card that can be used for a single course or subscription on our gift card page. Gift cards can be used for indivual and team accounts!
Does the purchase expire?
Nope! Once you've bought a tutorial it is yours. Please take good care of it and remember to water it daily!
Other Questions
In which currency will I be charged?
All our prices are based on USD (United States Dollars)
Wait... weren't you called KnpUniversity before?
We *were*! We changed our name when we became the official screencast
provider for Symfony. You can learn all about this on our blog:
KnpUniversity is now SymfonyCasts!.
I have a technical question on a tutorial I'm taking, where do I ask?
We love your technical questions on the tutorial! So
ask them in the comments of that chapter. We monitor
those, so we'll get you a response quickly!
Dino Questions Answered
What's your favorite dinosaur?
The Stegosaurus! There's no waiting in line with a tail like that.
Are dinosaurs lizards?
Excellent question, although 'dinosaur' means "terrible lizard", the name is somewhat misleading, as dinosaurs are not lizards.