Joined on December 2014
Earned certificates
Symfony 7 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments
Upgrading & What's in Symfony 7
30 Days with LAST Stack
PHPUnit: Integration Testing with Live Services
API Platform 3: Custom Resources
API Platform: Secure your Treasures
API Platform 3
Doctrine, Symfony & the Database
Upgrading & What's New in Symfony 6!
Easy Admin 4
Write SOLID Code & Impress your Friends
Api Platform 2 Part 3: Custom Resources
Symfony 5 Deep Dive!
Upgrading & What's New in Symfony 5!
Messenger! Queue work for Later
API Platform Part 2: Security
API Platform
Webpack Encore: Frontend like a Pro!
All about Uploading Files in Symfony
phpspec: Testing... *Designing* with a Bite
Symfony 4 Forms: Build, Render & Conquer!
Symfony Security: Beautiful Authentication, Powerful Authorization
Contributing back to Symfony!
JS Powerlifter (ReactJS!)
Mastering Doctrine Relations!
Doctrine & the Database
Creating a Reusable (& Amazing) Symfony Bundle
Webpack Encore: A Party for your Assets
Symfony 4 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments
Symfony 4 Level 1
Upgrade to Symfony4!
PHPUnit (Legacy): Testing with a Bite
EasyAdminBundle for an Amazing Admin Interface
Stripe Level 2
Symfony 3.3: Upgrade, Autowiring & Autoconfigure
Symfony REST: Level 5
PHP 7: The Important Stuff
Symfony REST: Level 4
Symfony REST: Level 3
Symfony REST: Level 2
Symfony REST: Level 1
Symfony Security
BDD & Behat (v2.5)
JS Powerlifter (Lvl 2)
PHP Namespaces
Symfony Form Themes
Doctrine Queries
The Collector
Symfony Forms
Symfony 2: Level 1
Stripe Level 1
JS Powerlifter (Lvl 1)
Symfony Beginner
Symfony 2: Level 2
Symfony: Dependency Injection
Symfony: HttpKernel
Symfony Services & Container
Doctrine in Symfony
Symfony: Doctrine & Database
Symfony Fundamentals
Fixtures with Alice
Symfony Security Voters
Symfony Best Practices