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Learn Symfony 5


Master the most advanced PHP Framework and open new possibilities

Courses in this Track

The Fundamentals

18 videos

Charming Development in Symfony 5

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Doctrine, Symfony & the Database


23 videos

Doctrine, Symfony & the Database

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Mastering Doctrine Relations


27 videos

Mastering Doctrine Relations

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Symfony 5 Security: Authenticators


47 videos

Symfony 5 Security: Authenticators

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Learn More Tricks

EasyAdmin! For an Awesomely Powerful Admin Area


Upgrading & What's New in Symfony 5!


29 videos

Upgrading & What's New in Symfony 5!

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Messenger! Queue work for Later


48 videos

Messenger! Queue work for Later

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Symfony Mailer: Love Sending Emails Again


31 videos

Symfony Mailer: Love Sending Emails Again

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Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony


27 videos

Netgen Layouts: Building Pages with Symfony

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All about Uploading Files in Symfony


40 videos

All about Uploading Files in Symfony

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10 videos

Go Pro with Doctrine Queries (Legacy)

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Lean and Mean Dev with PhpStorm (for Symfony)


Creating a Reusable (& Amazing) Symfony Bundle


Contributing back to Symfony!


13 videos

Contributing back to Symfony!

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Symfony 5 Track Overview


  • Intermediate PHP experience & skills
  • Comfortable with object-oriented principles

After this track, what will my level be?

  • You'll know the basics of the Symfony framework from front-to-back
  • You'll be able to use all of Symfony's major pieces - Doctrine, forms, security, etc - to build real web applications
  • After the more advanced courses, you'll be able to dig into Symfony and deeper levels to accomplish custom tasks
  • Basically, you'll be real-world dangerous with Symfony :)

Track Summary

Ready to build something incredible? Of course! Ready to love the process and be proud of the code you write? Welcome to Symfony.

Whether you're building a full API, traditional web app, or a mix with a rich front-end, Symfony is the tool to get the job done. Symfony is lean & mean: starting tiny, then growing with you automatically. It embraces object-oriented best practices... with a touch of style to help you get your job done quickly, but without sacrificing quality.

In this track, we'll go from beginner to expert: touching on every part of Symfony and unlocking you to build whatever you can dream of.
