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Jan 17th, 2024

Live Stream #5: A Day in the Life of Getting Live Components to stable

Written by weaverryan

Live Stream #5: A Day in the Life of Getting Live Components to stable

In case you missed it, I've started live streaming! These casual 1 hour (ish) streams give me a chance to hang out with all of you and experiment with something or get some open source work done.

This week we talked about the path to get Live Components to a stable release! We did some brainstorming about a new syntax for data-action-name and came up with a simpler, more standard result. Good stuff. Topic:

  • What does it mean to have a "stable" release? 5:30
  • Morphing! What is it? What is idiomorph? 9:10
  • Using POST requests for Ajax calls: 13:30
  • Changing the data-action-name syntax: 25:30
  • The exciting work of triaging UX PRs: 49:30


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