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Jan 24th, 2024

Live Stream #6: Building v2 of our TutsHero Tutorial-building Tool

Written by weaverryan

Live Stream #6: Building v2 of our TutsHero Tutorial-building Tool

In this week's live stream, I shared some good news (and some things we messed up this week), talk about HTTP caching on Symfonycasts, brainstormed about changes to the Twig component attributes syntax and walked through how our internal tutorial-building tool (TutsHero) works (and hacked a bit on version 2!).

  • Good news! Skiing, UX tough bugs, etc. 1:00
  • When a cache mess up takes down your site 7:00
  • HTTP Caching & render_esi() 8:05
  • Twig Component attributes syntax brainstorming 12:45
  • Tour of TutsHero version 1 34:20
  • Jumping into V2 of TutsHero 41:10


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