367 search results for EasyAdmin

Hallo, May i ask a question please? I got missing translation messages in easyadmin 4 ` # symfony console debug:translation en --only-missing State Domain Id Message Preview ...
Tien dat L.
Tien dat L.
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... modified line 38 of `src/EasyAdmin/TruncateLongTextConfigurator.php` to be `if (null === $field->getFormattedValue() || strlen($field->getFormattedValue())
... ``` CollectionField::new('roles') ->setEntryType(RoleType::class) ->setTemplatePath('easyAdmin/role/add.html.twig'). // ...
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... CrudQuestion controller and forget to disable the delete action there, and, it's good for learning about subscribers and EasyAdmin DTOs :) Cheers!
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Hello, I dont have custom css rules. I have only added `src/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/layout.html.twig` with this code: ``` {% extends '@!EasyAdmin/layout.html.twig' %} {% block content_footer %} {{ '©' | raw ...
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Please note that, after some discussion about them, we've decided to remove "URL signatures" from EasyAdmin. See https://github.com/EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle/issues/5018 The main reason is that we realized that they ...
Javier E.
Javier E.
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Hey Jason A. That's a good question and I think you can use both libraries in your project, but EasyAdmin won't use your API automatically on its CRUD operations, so, if your API has a different procedure than your ...
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Hi Symfonycasts Team. Currently, the URLs look very cryptic for users. If I would like to use EasyAdmin to provide this interface to customers or normal users, is there a possibility to display these URLs in a more user-friendly way? Possibly even in SEO form? ...
Hey Mepcuk! I haven't hit this error, but I noticed it's mentioned in the EasyAdmin docs: https://symfony.com/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/current/dashboards.html#logout-menu-item Let me know if that helps - the docs are still a bit cryptic, but I'm not sure exactly why you're seeing this. Cheers! ...
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... https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/easyadminbundle/dashboard - look for "Since version 4.0.3 of EasyAdmin" text there. I hope this helps! If not - let us know! Cheers!
Yes, only one chapter to go! 🎉🎉🎉 And off course looking forward for new courses! Is there a place on this site where we can follow which courses are being released in the near future? I know the next one will be EasyAdmin. But i'm really curious for the other *top secret* plans that you have. ...
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Hey there! We have an EasyAdmin tutorial that is, internally, nearly completed :). We will record it sometime in the next 2 months I would imagine. I'll ping Victor (he's helping me with the tutorial) to make sure that these are on there. Cheers! ...
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Thanks, What I did was add a new JS (called dashboard.js inside import './bootstrap';) in webpack.config.js and then in DashboardController.php (EasyAdmin) add the assets with -> addWebpackEncoreEntry ('dashboard'). [in configureAssets() method] It worked!. Not override easyadmin's layout.html, but I tried that method and it worked too. ...
Hi everyone, I'm stating now with EasyAdmin, and I'm struggling with collection type, I see that you use a FormType to build the Collection in entry_type. How do I tell it to use another admin? I want to use a collection of a entity mapped with the admin, do I really need to create de FormType for it? ...
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... in easyadmin under type_options: ` ... - property: 'genusScientists' type_options: ... block_prefix: 'genus_scientists' ` then in _form_theme.html.twig: ` {%block genus_scientists_widget %} ... {%endblock %} `
... vendor/easycorp/easyadmin-bundle/src/Resources/views/default/new.html.twig (line 1) Any idea on what might cause it?
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Hey Gregory That's not in our milestone but thanks for letting us know what kind of tutorials you would like to see in the future. We *do* consider your opinion when deciding what tutorial is going to be next BTW, do you have any particular problem installing EasyAdmin on SF4? Cheers! ...
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Hey ojtouch Yeah template overriding is a tricky thing, to override bundle templates, you should place it in: `templates/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/default/list.html.twig` and your extends string will be like: `{% extends '@!EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}` Then it will work as expected. Cheers! ...
Hello, templates/admin/list.html.twig `{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %} {% block item_actions %} {% set _list_item_actions = _list_item_actions|filter_admin_actions(item) %} {{ dump ...
Hey Ben, I think it should work, because EasyAdmin forms is based on Symfony Form system. Also, EasyAdminBundle has its own events based on Symfony events: https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/book/complex-dynamic-backends.html#customization-based-on-symfony-events . I hope this helps. Cheers! ...