1015 search results for API Platform

... code: https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/d62e86e9cfa2a7a4eba3029053ff65f43a10e1ce/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/ItemDataProvider.php#L75-L80 In most situations, where the `$id` you pass in is a string or int, the ...
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Triggering a Publish

... powered system! High five! Next: Let's make it possible to write the $owner property on dragon treasure. This involves a trick that will help us better understand how API Platform loads relation data.

Entity DTO Item State Provider

... UserApi DTO. So instead, return $this->mapEntityToDto($entity). That feels good. And... the endpoint works beautifully. If we try an invalid id, our provider returns null and API Platform takes care of the 404. Side note ...

Filtering on Relations

... ". Let's see... That worked! This shows all treasures owned by any user whose username contains maug. Pretty cool! Ok squad: get ready for the grand finale - Subresources. These have seriously changed in API Platform 3. Let's dive into them next.

Bootstrapping a Killer Test System

... can be used to test an API. Heck, API Platform even has their own tools built on top of those to make testing an API even easier. And yet, I'm going to be stubborn and use a totally different tool that I've fallen in love ...

Access Token Authenticator

... to authenticate. Fortunately we can do this via API Platform. Open up config/packages/api_platform.yaml. And a new key called swagger, though we're actually configuring the OpenAPI docs. To add a new way of ...

Hey @Joris-Mak! Sorry about the trouble and my slow response :). It tried to reproduce this locally but no luck yet. I used the `finish` tutorial code, updated all Symfony packages to 6.4, and upgraded API Platform ...
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... Seems that it was just silently ignoring annotation about embedded object's type Looks like I missed something when updating symfony and API Platform Hope it will help someone Thanks for your answer, it definetely helped!
... said is the safest and simplest way. We CAN prevent stealing, but it adds complexity (both to the code and... just to my brain, lol). We talk about how to prevent stealing in the next tutorial - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/unit-of-work-validator Cheers!
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Hey |mention:65641| I think that's unexpected. Have you watched this chapter? You may find it helpful https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/uuid-identifier By the way, I don't recommend using ...
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Hey Ek24, Agree, I reattached that challenge to the next chapter - it makes more sense to show it there, thanks for reporting! > my cats missing the cat-lang of the courses. they still stuck on Api-Platform 2.6 ...
Maybe something has been changed in API Platform with updates, since this video was recorded. I've tried, and `securitySchemes` hasn't been overridden. ``` $securitySchemes = $openApi->getComponents ...
Does it really make sense to set up decoration for the UserHashPasswordProcessor via #[AsDecorator()]? As I understand it the decorating service is then involved in every call of the PersistProcessor? In the API ...
Hi! I am working on an API Platform 3 (Symfony 6) app. In my JSON response, I have the following : { ... "totalItems": 7065, "itemsPerPage": 10, ... } Is it possible to change the config (or do something ...
Hi! Is this course going to be divided into 3 parts just like api platform 2? [base, security, custom resources]. I also have more questions. Are you going to cover Mercure? When are you going to release all 3 parts (I ...
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... verb from the operation method (the operation name is not really usable unless you play with regex), also changed method name of the helper to align with the API Platform naming convention. ```
Hey Nikrou, I did used api-platform 3.0.4 and Symfony 6.1. And just in this moment I tested with symfony 6.0 and 2.7. Is does work very well. in which step is your plainPassword empty? Because in the end of the ...
... mean it responses with code 201 instead of 401. I'm confused, maybe because I'm a begginer. I'm using Symfony 4.4 and API Platform 2.7. I don't know what should I do to make security working. I would be grateful if someone could help me. Jakub
Hey Szabolcs! Ah, that's a shame! I'm guessing there is a way to work around that, but your solution is fine of course - thanks for sharing! > I really really recommend to avoid this easy-admin-bundle and use api ...
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... code only works with PHP 7.*). If you're hitting specific problems, let us know and we'll do our best to help debug :). We will probably update these course soon anyways, as API Platform v3 will be released soon. Cheers!
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