2709 search results for Doctrine

... original amount of records, as if there were no groupby. Interesting! I don't know the answer to this - bit I'm a little surprised by it. The reason is that, behind the scenes, API Platform uses a "Doctrine paginator ...
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... \Component\Debug\Exception\ ContextErrorException in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Form/Type/DoctrineType.php (line 59) DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object(GenusNote), 0, '1') call_user_func(array ...
Mailbox Spain Mail forwarding
Mailbox Spain Mail forwarding
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Hi Don! Yay! I'm really happy to hear about all your success - and thanks for following up to tell me! > 1. Is Doctrine Listener the only solution or is another way of doing the post-hydration? You could also ...
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... static calls. We just want to reuse those Doctrine Criteriain a few places... for this we created a static method to be able to call it without actually injecting real services, because injecting repositories into ...
Hey victor Again Thank you for your prompt response. Back to your response. yes I am using the namespaces required in the User Entity. here are all of them: ``` use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use Gedmo\Mapping ...
Junaid Farooq
Junaid Farooq
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... reuse it with Doctrine, but most probably you'll need to drop old foreign keys and add new ones with Doctrine. You can use "./bin/console doctrine:schema:validate" Symfony console command to validate your schema and ...
... question! I don't have any personal experience with your situation, unfortunately. And it's a weird enough part of Doctrine that my instinct is that... yea... this might just be a shortcoming you need to deal with :(. But ...
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... YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" execute it. But seriously, it sounds as normal behavior. You need to understand how migrations work: Doctrine stores all the IDs of executed migrations in your DB, that's how Doctrine know what migrations ...
... "posts", "products", etc. The same for column names like c0_.name AS name1 where name1 is the field alias. So with these aliases Doctrine reduces the query length - probably not too much important, but I suppose in this way ...
... can't help you with this one, I have never use it before :/ 3) That's a good question! Doctrine allows you to cache its annotations in a separate cache system to increase reading speed. By defaults, Doctrine cache it in ...
Hey everyone... very new to Symphony and pulling my hair out for the last few hours. I've been following the tutorials along thus far, and have got to the bit where we are using the doctrine entity generator... then I ...
Pete Garvin
Pete Garvin
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... have Doctrine save everything correctly. But, `$newGenus` will still have a reference to the *original* ArrayCollection: when you clone, embedded objects aren't cloned, the new object just points to the original reference ...
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Does Doctrine do any caching of ArrayCollections by default? I'm having some issues after doing my clone process above. After doing the clone above, I return the "id" of the $NewGenus. When I later call the Entity ...
Terry Caliendo
Terry Caliendo
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Hey guys, When I try to run "php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate" I get, Migrating up to 20160918154810 from 0 Migration 20160918154810 failed during Pre-Checks. Error Provided type "?Doctrine\DBAL\Schema ...
Peter Stephens
Peter Stephens
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... /company/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Doctrine/Orm/State/ItemProvider.php", "line": 87, "function": "getOneOrNullResult", "class": "Doctrine\\ORM\\AbstractQuery", "type ...
Hello guys, After creating the MixController class and refreshing the page in the browser I got a class not find error: "Attempted to load class "ClassUtils" from namespace "Doctrine\Common\Util". Did you forget a ...
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... Hi Ryan, I'm a little confused by the association management methods of ManyToMany relationships in Doctrine. If I understand correctly, the reverse calls need to be done in the setters of the inverse side, not in the ...
Hey Ryan, From the regular point of view I would say this course is a little advance for "Novice" level of folks who tries Symfony... Can we dive really to the level you suggest in your title "Go Pro with Doctrine ...
Hi Artjan! Actually, this is expected! For a detailed explanation, check out our Symfony2 tutorial, which talks about OneToMany relationships: http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony2-ep3/doctrine-inverse-relation ...
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... with the old User: app, Password: !ChangeMe! credentials. And of course doctrine jells at me, when I want to create the database. I tried to build the containers fresh: ```shell docker compose rm -f docker ...
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