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INSERTing and SELECTing Data

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INSERTing and SELECTing Data

How do we add data to a table? With a query! Whenever you want to add a new row to a table, use the INSERT INTO query:

INSERT INTO pet (name, breed) VALUES ("Chew Barka", "Bichon");

Heck, let’s add another one:

INSERT INTO pet (name, breed) VALUES ("Spark Pug", "Pug");

INSERT INTO means “add a new row to this table”. The syntax is a little odd, but always the same: INSERT INTO, the table name, a comma list of the fields you want to fill in, the word VALUES, then a comma list of their values.

SELECTing Data

Now that the data is in there, we just need to figure out how to read it. Reading data always starts with the same word, which you’ll see more than anything else: SELECT. Try selecting all of the data from the pet table:


There they are! And even in a nice table. In this simple form, SELECT shows every row and every field in a table.

Primary Keys: The very Special id Field

Check out that id column. Our INSERT query sent values for name and breed, but not id. That’s allowed, and you can even setup a column to have a default value, just for that situation.

But every table has one special column called the primary key. This column is usually an integer that auto-increments. If we don’t send a value for it, MySQL just picks 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. That’s really handy, because the primary key of each row needs to be unique in the table.

Let’s add another pet, but leave both the id and breed columns blank:

INSERT INTO pet (name) VALUES ("Pico de Gato");

Use SELECT to see all 3 rows:


The id column just keeps on auto-incrementing, but this breed is empty. What are you Pico do Gato?

SELECT only some Columns

A SELECT query has a few other tricks too, like being able to return only specific columns instead of everything. Just change the * to a list of what you want:

SELECT id, name FROM pet;

SELECT only some Rows with WHERE

One of the most common things to do is filter by some condition. Suppose we only want to return rows where the id column is greater than 1. We do that by adding a WHERE clause to the end of the query:

SELECT id, name FROM pet WHERE id > 1;

You can add filters like this on any column and even use some pretty complex logic. We’ll see more examples later, but since MySQL is so popular, you’ll find plenty of stuff online to help.