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Auto-Registering All Services

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Go back to the Symfony Standard Edition's services.yml file for Symfony 3.3. These two sections are the most fundamental change to the Symfony 3.3 service configuration. Copy the first section, then find our services.yml and, after _defaults, paste:

57 lines | app/config/services.yml
// ... lines 1 - 8
// ... lines 11 - 14
# makes classes in src/AppBundle available to be used as services
# this creates a service per class whose id is the fully-qualified class name
resource: '../../src/AppBundle/*'
# you can exclude directories or files
# but if a service is unused, it's removed anyway
exclude: '../../src/AppBundle/{Entity,Repository}'
// ... lines 22 - 57


This auto-registers each class in src/AppBundle as a service. There are a few important things to know. First, the id for each service is the full class name, just like we've been doing with our services. And second, thanks to _defaults, these new services are autowired and autoconfigured. And that means... in a lot of cases, you won't need to manually register your services at all anymore. Nope, as soon as you put a class in src/AppBundle, Symfony will autowire and autoconfigure it. That means you can start using it with zero config. And as we'll see soon, if the service can't be autowired, you'll get a clear error with details on what to do.

Auto-registering ALL Classes as Services? Are you Insane?

Now... I bet I know what you're thinking:

Ryan, are you completely insane!? You can't auto-register everything in src/AppBundle as a service!? Some classes - like DataFixtures! - are simply not meant to be services! You've gone mad sir!

Ok, this seems like a fair argument... but actually, it's not. What if I told you that the total number of services in the container before and after adding this section is the same. Yep! To prove it, comment out this auto-registration code. Then, go to your terminal, open a new tab, and run:

php bin/console debug:container | wc -l

This will basically count the number of services returned. Ok - 262! Uncomment that code. Now, I'm registering all classes from src/AppBundle as services. Try the command again:

php bin/console debug:container | wc -l

It's the same! How is that possible?

Remember, all of these new services are private. And that's very important. It means that none of the services can be referenced via $container->get(). And Symfony's container is so incredible that - right before it dumps the cached container, it finds all private services that have not been referenced, and removes them from the container. This means that even though it looks like we're registering every class inside of src/AppBundle as a service, that's actually not true!

A better way to think of it is this: each class in src/AppBundle is available to be used as a service. This means we can reference it as argument in services.yml or type-hint its class in a constructor so that it's autowired. But if you do not reference one of these classes, that service is automatically removed.

Excluding some Paths

You've probably also noticed this exclude key:

57 lines | app/config/services.yml
// ... lines 1 - 8
// ... lines 10 - 16
// ... line 18
# you can exclude directories or files
# but if a service is unused, it's removed anyway
exclude: '../../src/AppBundle/{Entity,Repository}'
// ... lines 22 - 57

Actually, for the reasons we just discussed... this isn't that important. You can exclude certain files or directories if you want. But most of the time, that's not needed: if you don't reference a class, it's removed from the container for you.

However, if you do have entire directories that should not be auto-registered, adding it here is nice. It'll give you a slight performance boost in the dev environment because Symfony won't need to watch those files for changes. And for a subtle technical reason, the Entity directory must be excluded. We also excluded the Respository directory. You actually can register these as services... but you need to configure them manually to use a factory. Basically, auto-registering and autowiring doesn't work, so we might as well ignore them.

Overriding Auto-Registered Services

Phew! So the idea is that we start by auto-registering each class as a service with these 3 lines. Then, if you do need to add some more configuration - like a tag, or an argument that can't be autowired, you can do that! Just override the auto-registered service below: use the class name as the key, then do whatever you need. Symfony automates as much configuration as possible so that you only need to fill in the rest.