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Pagination Links

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The response is returning a paginated list, and it even has extra count and total fields. Now we need to add those next, previous, first and last links. And since the response is entirely created via this PaginatedCollection class, this is simple: just add a new private $_links = array(); property:

// ... lines 1 - 4
class PaginatedCollection
// ... lines 7 - 12
private $_links = array();
// ... lines 14 - 25

To actually add links, create a new function called public function addLink() that has two arguments: the $ref - that's the name of the link, like first or last - and the $url. Add the link with $this->_links[$ref] = $url;. Great - now head back to the controller:

// ... lines 1 - 4
class PaginatedCollection
// ... lines 7 - 21
public function addLink($ref, $url)
$this->_links[$ref] = $url;

Every link will point to the same route, but with a different page query parameter. The route to this controller doesn't have a name yet, so give it one: api_programmers_collection. Copy that name and set it to a $route variable:

// ... lines 1 - 21
class ProgrammerController extends BaseController
// ... lines 24 - 75
* @Route("/api/programmers", name="api_programmers_collection")
* @Method("GET")
public function listAction(Request $request)
// ... lines 82 - 98
$route = 'api_programmers_collection';
// ... lines 100 - 120
// ... lines 122 - 220

Next, create $routeParams: this will hold any wildcards that need to be passed to the route - meaning the curly brace parts in its path. This route doesn't have any, so set leave it empty. We're already setting things up to be reusable for other paginated responses.

Since we need to generate four links, create an anonymous function to help out with this: $createLinkUrl = function(). Give it one argument $targetPage. Also, add use for $route and $routeParams so we can access those inside. To generate the URL, use the normal return $this->generateURL() passing it the $route and an array_merge() of any routeParams with a new page key:

// ... lines 1 - 98
$route = 'api_programmers_collection';
$routeParams = array();
$createLinkUrl = function($targetPage) use ($route, $routeParams) {
return $this->generateUrl($route, array_merge(
array('page' => $targetPage)
// ... lines 107 - 222

Since there's no {page} routing wildcard, the router will add a ?page= query parameter to the end, exactly how we want it to.

Sweet! Add the first link with $paginatedCollection->addLink(). Call this link self and use $page to point to the current page. It might seem silly to link to this page, but it's a pretty standard thing to do:

// ... lines 1 - 107
$paginatedCollection->addLink('self', $createLinkUrl($page));
// ... lines 109 - 222

Copy this line and paste it twice. Name the second link first instead of self and point this to page 1. Name the third link last and have it generate a URL to the last page: $pagerfanta->getNbPages():

// ... lines 1 - 108
$paginatedCollection->addLink('first', $createLinkUrl(1));
$paginatedCollection->addLink('last', $createLinkUrl($pagerfanta->getNbPages()));
// ... lines 111 - 222

The last two links are next and previous... but wait! We don't always have a next or previous page: these should be conditional. Add: if($pagerfanta->hasNextPage()), well, then, of course we want to generate a link to $pagerfanta->getNextPage() that's called next:

// ... lines 1 - 110
if ($pagerfanta->hasNextPage()) {
$paginatedCollection->addLink('next', $createLinkUrl($pagerfanta->getNextPage()));
// ... lines 114 - 222

Do this same thing for the previous page. if($pagerfanta->hasPreviousPage()), then getPreviousPage() and call that link prev:

// ... lines 1 - 113
if ($pagerfanta->hasPreviousPage()) {
$paginatedCollection->addLink('prev', $createLinkUrl($pagerfanta->getPreviousPage()));
// ... lines 117 - 222


With some luck, the test should pass:

./bin/phpunit -c app --filter testGETProgrammersCollectionPaginated

Rerun it aaaannnddd perfect! This is pretty cool: the tests actually follow those links: walking from page 1 to page 2 to page 3 and asserting things along the way.

The link keys - self, first, last, next and prev are actually called link rels, or relations. They have a very important purpose: to explain the meaning of the link. On the web, the link's text tells us what that link points to. In an API, the "rel" does that job.

In other words, as long as our API client understands first means the first page of results and next means the next page of results, you can communicate the significance of what those links are.

And you know what else? I didn't just invent these link rels. They're super-official IANA rels - an organization that tries to standardize some of this stuff. Why is that cool? Because if everyone used these same links for pagination, understanding API's would be easier and more consistent.

We are going to talk about links a lot more in a future episode - including all those buzzwords like hypermedia and HATEOAS. So sit tight.