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Twig Mind Tricks

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I've got 2 more bonuses from Twig. In every template, you have access to a variable called app. This has a bunch of useful things on it, like the request, the security context, the User object, and the session:

{# src/Yoda/EventBundle/Resources/views/Event/index.html.twig #}
{# ... #}

{% block body %}
    {# some examples - remove these after you try them #}
    {{ app.session.get('some_session_key') }}
    {{ app.request.host }}

    {# ... #}
{% endblock %}

It's actually an object called GlobalVariables, which you can check out yourself. So when you need one of these things, remember app!


Remove this code after trying it out - it's just an example of how you can access the request and session data - it doesn't add anything real to our project.

The block Twig Function

Next, head to our base template. Right now, the title tag is boring: I can either replace it entirely in a child template or use the default:

<title>{% block title %}Welcome!{% endblock %}</title>

Let's make this better by adding a little suffix whenever the page title is overridden. This shows off the block function, which gives us the current value of a block:

    {% if block('title') %}
        {{ block('title') }} | Starwars Events
    {% else %}
        Events from a Galaxy, far far away
    {% endif %}

Refresh the events page to see it in action.

Twig Whitespace Control

But if you view the source, you'll see that we've got a lot of whitespace around the title tag. That's probably ok, but let's fix it anyways. By adding a dash to any Twig tag, all the whitespace on that side of the tag is removed. The end result is a title tag, with no whitespace at all:

    {%- if block('title') -%}
        {{ block('title') }} | Starwars Events
    {%- else -%}
        Events from a Galaxy, far far away
    {%- endif -%}

Wow! Congrats on finishing the first episode! You're well on your way with Symfony, so keep going with Episode 2 and start practicing on a project.

Seeya next time!