367 search results for EasyAdmin

Hey, In an EasyAdmin controller, you can inject external services by listing them to the `getSubscribedServices()` method. Like this: ```php public static function getSubscribedServices(): array { return array_merge(parent::getSubscribedServices(), [ // your service FQNS ]); } ``` ...
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Hey |mention:71892| What part are you talking about? Anyway, you can check the EasyAdmin docs https://symfony.com/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/current/index.html or perhaps the UPGRADE file may be useful https://github.com/EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle/blob/4.x/UPGRADE.md Cheers! ...
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Yeah a lot has happened in this time. I have implemented the public area and user panel alone and left easyadmin for admin. And it works great! Thank you! ...
Hey Jiros1, Could you elaborate a bit more on your question? We have a course about EasyAdmin: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/easyadminbundle . And we cover how to manage entities with this course, including users. Cheers! ...
I have error like this: :( Attempted to call an undefined method named "get" of class "App\Controller\EasyAdmin\QuestionCrudController". Did you mean to call e.g. "getEntityFqcn" or "getSubscribedServices"? In class QuestionCrudController() on export() method Did i have bad ...
Can you tell me what is u() function in TruncateLongTextConfigurator.php ? PHPOStorm show mi message: Undefined function 'u' :) And Symfony show: Attempted to call function "u" from namespace "App\EasyAdmin". ...
Hello! A little bit question please! To create "Edit Profile" page for my users (no Admin role permission). Are there any way to use EasyAdmin or it works only for Admin role? Many thanks in advance! ...
Hi, I do want to use Symfony UX Dropzone to upload multiple files (documents-type) with easyadmin. Can i get some guidance on how to go about it. ? thanks ...
Hello ! I intend to take advantage of the black friday offer to subscribe for a month to take advantage of the training on EasyAdmin 3. Do you think that it will be fully published before December 26, 2021? ...
Hey Yacine R. There will be a new course about EasyAdmin, but I can't say you any exact eta on it. Sorry for that =) Keep watching for any updates! Cheers! ...
Hey Gaetano S. The `createListQueryBuilder` is not a Doctrine method, it's a EasyAdmin method which creates the query builder for the "List" view. I believe the new name for that method is `createIndexQueryBuilder()` Cheers! ...
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Hey Brent I think you should set the userId in the `preFlush` action. I believe there is something in the middle of EasyAdmin workflow that is overriding your values Cheers! ...
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Hem, i forgot... I'm using 'normal forms' to feed my database with each other entities so... Can i tell EasyAdmin to use a custom Controller only for this custom entity form and only this one ? ...
Horaaay! I got it! Last part of this link. https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/integration/fosuserbundle.html Adding this line in the config file inside the "form" label in my case. easyadmin: -> entities: -> User: -> form: -> form_options: { validation_groups: ['Profile'] } ...
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block item_actions %}
{% set _show_actions = easyadmin_get_actions_for_show_item(_entity_config.name) %}
// ... line 5
{% set _request_parameters = { entity: _entity_config.name, referer: app.request.query.get('referer') } %}
{{ include('@EasyAdmin/default/includes/_actions.html.twig', {
actions: _show_actions,
request_parameters: _request_parameters,
translation_domain: _entity_config.translation_domain,
trans_parameters: _trans_parameters,
item_id: _entity_id
}, with_context = false) }}
{% endblock item_actions %}
See Code Block in Script
Hey Entwickler , Yes, sounds correct. Or maybe you even can implement Mobile App which is a wrapper for browser, so you will load this entire EasyAdmin dashboard, then you don't need to implement API endpoints at all ...
... ) You return the `KeyValueStore` from the controller D) A listener from EasyAdmin is called after your controller. It grabs your return value (the `KeyValueStore`) - https://github.com/EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle/blob/4.x ...
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Hello I am trying to localize the EasyAdmin, and it is going well so far. However, I have one big problem that I can not resolve. To change the title of the index page in EasyAdmin to be as I want it, I use ...
Hey Tupolev, In this chapter: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/easyadminbundle/dashboard - we configured the minimal role that's required to access the EasyAdmin pages. As you can see, we configured it for ...
Hey Jérôme, Ah, I probably see what you and Ajie62 mean! Yeah, this sounds like a bug in EasyAdmin fairly speaking. Well, first of all we're taking about admin interface, so technically only admins may upload files ...