2708 search results for Doctrine

... to fetch the objects and then call some custom method on them to populate an extra field of data. But even in this last case, I would still call the core, Doctrine entity data provider from my custom data provider so that it does all the heavy lifting for me :). Cheers!
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... tag is here: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/c71c8727cc665c9e9b56e299fcfcc0adfbf02bac/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/DependencyInjection/CompilerPass/RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass.php#L75 - I would debug that `$taggedServices` variable to verify your service is there). Let me know if this helps! Cheers!
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Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to install doctrine with the command `composer require orm`. But my terminal (DOS command prompt on Windows 10) crashes a few seconds after I launch the command. I'm juste getting ...
I have one more interesting point about the event dispatch after we call flush on doctrine. What if a messaging system such as RabbitMQ is temporary down. Your code just has completed the transaction, but you might lose ...
Actually, I wouldn't say "Doctrine is the most robust transport to use for failures". 1. you have one failed transport for every other transport. You can't have handle failed messages from other transports in different ...
Fabien Pot
Fabien Pot
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... ' variable that is set in .env(.*). Maybe this is already considered by the symfony team. In that case: is it already implemented in current versions of symfony/doctrine? ...
Maximilian S.
Maximilian S.
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... depends on which Symfony version you are, but in newer versions of Symfony it's recommended to use MakerBundle. With this bundle, you can generate code for Doctrine entity via "bin/console make:entity" call and it create a repository for it by default. Cheers!
... answer - I apologize :/. The content in the video still works - this part of Doctrine has not changed. But, if you want to download the course code and code along, you'll have to do that using PHP 7.2 or lower. I'll talk ...
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... decorate the normal Doctrine data provider, but then it would *populate* the customResource property on Product. So, it's a bit laborious - but that's the idea. Let me know if that helps! Cheers!
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... /packages/doctrine.yaml` file and add a doctrine.dbal.schema_filter option: ``` doctrine: dbal: schema_filter: ~^(?!t_)~ ``` This would ignore any tables prefixed with t_ - reference https://symfony.com ...
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Hey Stileex, Doctrine bundle does not do any rollbacks manually. If you have an automated deploy script - you should care about doing those rollbacks on failed migration execution, i.e. literally execute another ...
... done, this method will receive one of multiple different objects. C) Register your entity listener on all the entity classes that you need. That should do it! Btw, if you used a Doctrine event subscriber that's called on ...
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... may be in part because the popular ones have already been implemented. For example, if you use Doctrine to fetch data, there’s no reason to implement an argument value resolver to automatically query for entity objects because that already exists. Anyways, let me know if this helped :). Cheers!
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... video may help you out understanding a bit better how to manage ManyToMany relationships https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/many-to-many If you still have problems, upload your project to Github or wherever you want and give me access so I can play with it. Cheers!
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... correctly (and I'm not sure if I am), the default name of the migrations table also changed during the upgrade. So it may be that your migrations table IS still there, but now Doctrine migrations is looking for a table with ...
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... better. > And is there a reason why zenstruck/foundry and the doctrine-fixtures-bundle isn't just a require-dev dependency? Ha! Yes. The reason is that I made a mistake 😂. Thanks for pointing that out - I'm currently ...
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... tutorials, I've decided against using a Doctrine listener to encode the password - it's just a bit too magic, and requires tricky things like this to work. Now, I encode the password manually when I create a User, which ...
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... amiss ;). Oh, but it *is* true that if you ran `composer require symfony/serializer` (to only install that ONE component), the Groups functionality wouldn't work unless you already had doctrine/annotations installed (that package is included in the pack). Cheers!
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... first)... which means your data would be wiped out. I would steer clear of this trait :/. If you want similar functionality, try out https://github.com/dmaicher/doctrine-test-bundle - all of this stuff contains some magic, but that's a solid bundle. Cheers!
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... released VueJS course, but I don't have any estimations yet. For now, the related most recent course about DB is this one: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine - but it's based on Symfony 4. If you don't want ...