1015 search results for API Platform

... Let's say that the cheeselisting title/name has to be unique. And the user tries to POST a cheeselisting with the same name twice, I have it in my doctrine set to unique, and api platform returns a 500 server error ...
Hey @Patricio-RM! We don't have any plans to cover that right now. But API Platform does have docs and official support for Elastic Search - https://api-platform.com/docs/core/elasticsearch/ - and especially in ...
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Passing Values to Stimulus

... susceptible to CSRF attacks. If you want to learn more, our API Platform 2 tutorial has a whole chapter on SameSite cookies and CSRF tokens. Next, let's turn to the other authentication use-case: API tokens.

Adding Populating the Custom Field

... up on the property... there it is... we can add more docs: Returns true if this is the currently-authenticated user That's nice because API Platform will automatically use this in the docs. When we look at the schema ...

API Debugging with the Profiler

... API Platform adds its own profiler panel, which is a nice way to see which resource this request was operating on and the metadata for it, including this item operation and collection operation stuff - we'll talk about ...

it is the latest version: "api-platform/core": "3.3.2". ...
Hello, is API Platform 3 compatible with Symfony 5.4? ...
What api-platform version is this podcast about? ...
Emmanuel B.
Emmanuel B.
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Strange Api-platform activity. It looks like ApiProperty Attribute doesn't work with json format. Why? And how to make ApiProperty to work on json format too? I have simple ApiResource example ``` #[ApiResource ...
Hey Romain S. ! Let me see if I can jump in and help out! For full reference for anyone else reading this, usually this type of thing is done with a query extension - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform ...
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Hey Gianluca-F! The only way I can think of is to hook into the "property metadata factory" system: this is the system that collects all of the API Platform metadata about each property. To do this, you would create ...
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Hey Miky! You absolutely *can* choose to do this. But it's not SO easy (there is not one simply function you can call to re-use the paginator). In API Platform, they actually use the core Doctrine paginator. This is ...
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Hey @Edgar! This is a super weird error! These custom normalizers in api platform are tricky, because you need to make sure (after you do whatever modifications you need) that you call the Serializer system again so ...
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Hey @s! I think I can help with this :). The flow is a bit complex. Here is what's going on (by the time you've finished this chapter): 1) API Platform queries for the actual CheeseListing entity object from the ...
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Hi sridharpandu! It sounds like you've done some excellent research! I am not personally responsible for API Platform and its docs, but I know the team that is, and I'm sure they would love any updates or improvements ...
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... component, instead of something from ramsey. In other words, the UUID install chapter - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/uuid - would look different, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the process ...
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... ` IS present. And... that's interesting - because that's *exactly* the service that ApiTestCase looks for (and fails if it's not there): https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/master/src/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/Test ...
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Hey Stefan L.! Yea, I believe also that this would filter the main resource, not the colors property. So, the overall issue is how API Platform loads the colors property. The logic looks like this: A) API Platform ...
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... `. It looks like API Platform is trying to load the ONE `Company`, then getting surprised by the many results. The way you've structured the request makes sense to me, but you could also consider that what you're trying to ...
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... dynamic nature of the class, but here is the logic behind the search filter: https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/435992613de0a012ad42b5352e71453a35061968/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Filter/SearchFilter.php#L168 If I'm ...
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