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Writable Relation Fields


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Open up DragonTreasureResourceTest and check out testPostToCreateTreasureWithLogin(). We've talked a lot about making our resources able to return relation fields. The main trick is simply to populate those fields from inside our data mapper. Then API Platform handles transforming them into IRIs.

One thing we haven't talked about is being able to write to one of these relation fields.

Writing to the owner Property

When we use this post() endpoint, we don't need to send an owner field. That's because, nestled in DragonTreasureApiToEntityMapper, we have code that says:

If an owner is not sent in the JSON, automatically set it to the currently authenticated user.

But, you are allowed to send the owner property and set it to yourself. Let's try that. Set owner to '/api/users/'.$user->getId().

// ... lines 1 - 14
class DragonTreasureResourceTest extends ApiTestCase
// ... lines 17 - 61
public function testPostToCreateTreasureWithLogin(): void
// ... lines 64 - 65
// ... lines 67 - 71
->post('/api/treasures', HttpOptions::json([
// ... lines 73 - 76
'owner' => '/api/users/'.$user->getId(),
// ... lines 79 - 80
// ... lines 83 - 251

How Relation Fields are Deserialized

When we do that, it should hit this part of our code. Battle stations! Run symfony php bin/phpunit and execute just this test:

symfony php bin/phpunit --filter=testPostToCreateTreasureWithLogin()

Perfect! It hits and dumps a UserApi object. This is cool. Actually, dump the entire $dto so we can see things in more detail.

symfony php bin/phpunit --filter=testPostToCreateTreasureWithLogin()

Fantabulous. When we send this JSON data, the serializer deserializes all of this into a DragonTreasureApi object. This string goes onto the name property, this string goes onto the description property, and so on. Over here, we see that: string... string... 1,000... and 5. Super simple.

But something special happens when the field you're sending is a relation, meaning the property holds an object that is an #[ApiResource]. Specifically, this IRI string is transformed into a UserApi object! But... how and who does that? The answer is: a bit of team work between the serializer system and the state provider.

Until now, as far as we know, the only time that the state provider is used is when we fetch a resource... like if we fetch a user here or here, or if we PATCH or DELETE a user. In all of those cases, API Platform leverages the user state provider to find the one or many users.

But there's one other spot where a state provider is used: when someone sends JSON that contains an IRI string on a relation field.

During the deserialization process, the serializer takes this IRI string, sees that it's for a UserApi object, then it calls its state provider to load that. Whatever that state provider returns will ultimately be set onto the owner property of DragonTreasureApi. This magic has always been happening... but I just love understanding the mechanics behind it. Nerd alert!

Mapping the Relation Field

Anyway, in our mapper, our job is pretty straightforward. We know that $dto->owner is a UserApi object. And what we ultimately need is a User entity. So, once again, we'll use the mapping system to go from UserApi over to User. Up here, inject a MicroMapperInterface $microMapper.

// ... lines 1 - 11
use Symfonycasts\MicroMapper\MicroMapperInterface;
// ... lines 13 - 14
class DragonTreasureApiToEntityMapper implements MapperInterface
public function __construct(
// ... lines 18 - 19
private MicroMapperInterface $microMapper,
// ... lines 25 - 60

And below, say $entity->setOwner()... but use $this->microMapper->map() to go from $dto->owner to User::class. And remember, any time we map a relationship, we should add a MAX_DEPTH as well. Set MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH to 0.

// ... lines 1 - 11
use Symfonycasts\MicroMapper\MicroMapperInterface;
// ... lines 13 - 14
class DragonTreasureApiToEntityMapper implements MapperInterface
public function __construct(
// ... lines 18 - 19
private MicroMapperInterface $microMapper,
// ... lines 25 - 38
public function populate(object $from, object $to, array $context): object
// ... lines 41 - 45
if ($dto->owner) {
$entity->setOwner($this->microMapper->map($dto->owner, User::class, [
MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH => 0,
} else {
// ... lines 53 - 59

Using 0 is enough because that will cause our mapper to query for the User object... it just won't continue and populate the individual property data from UserApi to User. We would only need to do that if we were allowing owner to be an embedded object, like creating a new one on the fly.... or if we were doing something crazy like adding the @id to load a user... then modifying that user all at once. Crazy, probably-not-realistic things that we talked about in previous tutorials.

And even if a user did try this right now, API Platform wouldn't allow it because you can only write embedded data on a field if we've set up the serialization groups for this.

Anyway, the only thing we're concerned about is making sure that we're loading the correct User entity object. Run the test again and...

symfony php bin/phpunit --filter=testPostToCreateTreasureWithLogin()

It's good! We are now allowed to write the owner field!

Next: Let's shift our focus to making the dragonTreasures field on User writable. This is a relation field... but because it's a collection, it'll need an extra trick.