1015 search results for API Platform

... SecurityController - it won't be part of your API... but... boom! It works B) Create a custom operation on User C) Use the Messenger integration with API Platform - by chance, their example is actually a password reset: https ...
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Adding the plainPassword Field

... older Symfony 3 Security Tutorial. We're going to try a different approach - an approach that's more specific to API Platform. Before we get there, let's write a test to make sure this works. In the test/Functional ...

*the result would be a 200 status code, except that the roles property would "skip" being set.* I can confirm that API platform behaves exactly like that for my `PATCH`, with API Platform `v3.2.11` I have ...
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Could it be possible there might be a bug in the latest version of API Platform ? Since my last `composer update` on an already existing project (API Platform v3.2.3 and Symfony 6.3.7), I have the same thing happen ...
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Hey Drutpro! Thank you for your feedback! Yes, we definitely want to release more courses about API Platform, this is a great tool with huge capabilities. Unfortunately, I'm not sure when it might be released, for ...
I am going through this tutorial with the latest version of Symfony (6.1) and API Platform (2.6). When attempting to update the owner object via an embedded object within my cheese listing, I did not receive the ...
... previously, but I can't remember why. 422 actually makes more sense: passing the wrong owner fails due to the IsValidOwner constraint, so that's a validation error. The status code changed at some point in API Platform ...
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... /average_weather are quite similar. Anyways, related screencasts: A) Custom data provider: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/data-provider and the next few chapters B) Totally custom ...
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I was thinking, in cases like this (when persisting data), is there a difference between using an Entity Listener or a Data Persister? To my understanding, a Data Persister is only executed when using API Platform and ...
André P.
André P.
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Hi, just started using Api platform with one of my projects where I have two user providers (two different entities: Admin and User). And I struggle to get a list of users when I am logged in as Admin :(. I am getting ...
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Hey Alex T.! Excellent question! I remember (WAY before API Platform, just in programming in general) this question driving me crazy :p. The answer is this: (unless I've absolutely missed some clever way of doing it f ...
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... suspiciously similar: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/serialization-groups#comment-5337428523 My gut is that there has been a change in API Platform that is causing this. And if so, I believe it is a bug. If you can open an issue and link me to it, I can help push that along. Cheers!
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... based on your question, I'm guessing that the normal BooleanFilter doesn't work for non-mapped properties? https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/filters#filtering-by-published-unpublished If that does not work ...
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... API Platform in a newer version (than we use in the tutorial). I'd recommend opening an issue in API Platform if you can with the details. I can't (at the moment) test this myself... because I'm on SUCH slow internet ...
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Hey Wolfone! Ah, it all makes sense now - and good job fixing it! Another option would have been to move the API Platform route import to the bottom of the routes file. That would involve moving it out of the ...
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Hi @sidi! Excellent question! When make a request for the user data, to get the comments data, API Platform simply calls `$user->getComments()`, which returns all 50 results. To limit things, you can use this trick ...
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Hey @isTom! Hmm. You *will* need to add some config for API Platform - but it's pretty basic - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/api-platform/core/2.5/config/packages/api_platform.yaml - and it doesn't ...
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Hey @Aaron! Ah, excellent idea! I also took a look at the deeper exceptions, and I can tell you that the access denied IS coming from API Platform. So, specifically, API Platform is looking at the "security" option of ...
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Hi Daniel K.! Interesting. I don't know the answer to this, but I know where to look. API Platform (I'm guessing you know this part, but just in case - it's not something we talked about in the tutorial) automatically ...
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Hi SymfonyCasts team, Thank you very much for the great work you do with these API Platform tutorials. As I'm not a frontend developer, I even don't want to install the frontend part of this tutorial. Is there a way ...