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At some point, an API client... which might just be our JavaScript, will probably want to get a list of all of the cheeseListings for a specific User. And... we can already do this in two different ways: search for a specific owner here via our filter... or fetch the specific User and look at its cheeseListings property.

If you think about it, a CheeseListing almost feels like a "child" resource of a User: cheese listings belong to users. And for that reason, some people might like to be able to fetch the cheese listings for a user by going to a URL like this: /api/users/4/cheeses... or something similar.

But... that doesn't work. This idea is called a "subresource". Right now, each resource has its own, sort of, base URL: /api/cheeses and /api/users. But it is possible to, kind of, "move" cheeses under users.

Here's how: in User, find the $cheeseListings property and add @ApiSubresource.

192 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 6
use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiSubresource;
// ... lines 8 - 26
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 29 - 62
// ... lines 64 - 66
* @ApiSubresource()
private $cheeseListings;
// ... lines 70 - 190

Let's go refresh the docs! Woh! We have a new endpoint! /api/users/{id}/cheese_listings. It shows up in two places... because it's kind of related to users... and kind of related to cheese listings. The URL is cheese_listings by default, but that can be customized.

So... let's try it! Change the URL to /cheese_listings. Oh, and add the .jsonld on the end. There it is! The collection resource for all cheeses that are owned by this User.

Subresources are kinda cool! But... they're also a bit unnecessary: we already added a way to get the collection of cheese listings for a user via the SearchFilter on CheeseListing. And using subresources means that you have more endpoints to keep track of, and, when we get to security, more endpoints means more access control to think about.

So, use subresources if you want, but I don't recommend adding them everywhere, there is a cost from added complexity. Oh, and by the way, there is a ton of stuff you can customize on subresources, like normalization groups, the URL, etc. It's all in the docs and it's pretty similar to the types of customizations we've seen so far.

For our app, I'm going to remove the subresource to keep things simple.

And... we're done! Well, there is a lot more cool stuff to cover - including security! That's the topic of the next tutorial in this series. But give yourself a jumping high-five! We've already unlocked a huge amount of power! We can expose entities as API resources, customize the operations, take full control of the serializer in a bunch of different ways and a ton more. So start building your gorgeous new API, tell us about it and, as always, if you have questions, you can find us in the comments section.

Alright friends, seeya next time!