1015 search results for API Platform

Hey |mention:50107| In our recent ApiPlatform 3 tutorial we do not talk too much about customizing the docs but I think this video may help you out https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/open-api-decoration You can also check the ApiPlatform docs Cheers! ...
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Hey Patrick! I'm actually not sure myself - sorry I can't be of more assistance! Updating the tutorials for API Platform 3 is my December project right after SymfonyCon :). But yes, I believe you are correct. In fact ...
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... be more than just a "switch interface and yeet" kind of update. Are there any plans to update this course to news inside API Platform?
Hi there, I am implementing a custom controller with a custom action following the Api Platform Documentation (https://api-platform.com/docs/core/pagination/#custom-controller-action) for the pagination but the ...
OK. I got it! Thanks! What's the best practice? Call manually every time before a "persist"? Or can this be done automatically (e.g. via lifecycle callbacks)? But then a API call would be validated twice (by Doctrine and API Platform, right?). ...
Christian H.
Christian H.
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... I've set up the project using Symfony 5.2.5 and API Platform 2.6.3. When I try to access "http://localhost:8000/api" I am presented an Exception telling me "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "api_doc" as such route does not exist." Is there anything I can do to get the thing to work? Thanks in advance.
Dennis B.
Dennis B.
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... chapter where Ryan talks about making secure your API https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/samesite-csrf Cheers!
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Hey infete This course is totally focused on API Platform, so it won't cover how to develop an API in a TDD way. If you are interested in TDD, we have some courses about it (PHPSpec, PHPUnit, Behat), https://symfonycasts.com/tracks/testing Cheers! ...
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Hey Kaizoku You can watch our courses about REST API's, it will help you understanding how to develop your own API, how to test it, and some best practices, but we do not talk about "API Platform" on those courses. Cheers! ...
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Hallo everyone, for people, they do this tutorial with symfony 6 and API-Platform version 3. If I am right, the "Data Persister" is changed to "Processor" and the code is a little bit different. You can see the ...
... example, that's what I know. Actually, you can find the list of popular projects on their home page: https://api-platform.com/ - search for "They use API Platform". Good luck with learning your next course about ApiPlatform! Cheers!
... *and* also if you start using GraphQL with API Platform. The PRE_WRITE event, however, is specific to the REST API. So, the data persister is a bit more powerful because it's used in more places :). Cheers!
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Hey, thanks for these awesome tutorials. I have some slight problems using the new symfony executable: after setting up https by doing `symfony server:ca:install` i can't use the api-platform client-generator in my ...
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Auto Setting the owner

... going kaboom when it hits the database. Yup! So: how can we automatically set this field when it's not sent? In the previous API Platform 2 tutorial, I did this with an entity listener, which is a fine solution. But in ...

Diving into the Normalizer Internals

... that this isn't quite working like we want: each User record is missing the JSON-LD fields. The embedded cheeseListings data has them... but each user does not. What's going on? When you work with API Platform, the ...

... your project with the API Platform distribution? If so, then yes, the cookie config is not there by default :) https://github.com/api-platform/api-platform/blob/main/api/config/packages/framework.yaml > and to put the ...
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... Executing command (C:\Users\ack\PhpstormProjects\API-Platform-Training): git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v Executing command (C:\Users\ack\PhpstormProjects\API-Platform-Training): git describe --exact-match --tags ...
Running Code On Publish

Oh, quick, minor thing about state processors. The make:state-processor command created the process() method with a void return. And... that makes sense. API Platform passes us the data and our job is just to save that ...

... arguments - one of the errors in your stacktrace comes from this line - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/52a72743028d78255c14870b80eeb195e91740d8/src/Serializer/AbstractItemNormalizer.php#L286 (it's line 283 in your ...
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Simpler State Processor

... tell API Platform when to use this processor. In DragonTreasure, we want this to be used for both our Post and Patch operations. Set processor to DragonTreasureStateProcessor::class... and repeat that down for Patch ...
