1015 search results for API Platform

Custom Resource State Processor

... Patch() so users can update the status of an existing quest when they complete it. Upon refreshing... I love it! Speaking of that Patch operation, when it's used, API Platform will call the state processor, so we can ...

Setting the UUID on POST

... Remember: API platform - well really, Symfony's serializer - is really good at reading your types. It notices that the type for $uuid is UuidInterface and uses that to try to find a denormalizer that understands this ...

Custom Filter for Custom Resources

... filter, we extended AbstractFilter: but that class only works for entity resources. This time, implement FilterInterface. Now, be careful. There are multiple FilterInterface in API platform. One is for the ORM, and even ...

... with the command symfony serve -d. So the only 2 differences I see is that when I have created the project following the instructions of api-Platform we start by running the instructions "composer create-project symfony ...
Deny Access with The security Option

... use access_control for several things. But most of the time I put my authorization rules inside controllers. But... of course, with API Platform, we don't have controllers. All we have are API resource classes, like ...

... :instantiateObject()` is where we're looking. So let's look at some debugging facts: A) If I `dd($constructorParameters)` here - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/022fb6a05701fa5a08f6357c82c1b95fbf0fe4b6/src ...
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Hey |mention:85340|! Hmm. I don't know anything about the GraphQL implementation in API Platform, so unfortunately, I can't suggest any possible fixes. Sorry I can't be more helpful! ...
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Hey |mention:82967| Sorry for my late reply. I have the same question as here https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/access-token-authenticator#comment-31679 I believe your authenticator might be misconfigured, let's debug that first Cheers! ...
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... I'm relieved I'm not in cause there ;-) Thank you for taking action to help fix the issue! :-) Your tutorial helps me so much in my journey learning to use Api Platform!
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Hey |mention:58721| As |mention:37114| mentioned, ApiPlatform changed how they used to treat PUT operations, we have a little warning note in this chapter https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/serializer?playAt=269#adding-a-virtual-textdescription-field ...
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... That's because your api_platform.yaml doesn't contain format for json ``` api_platform: title: Hello API Platform version: 1.0.0 formats: jsonld: ['application/ld+json'] json: ['application/json'] ``` you should add accept method ``` json: ['application/json'] ``` ...
Under [Setting up the Fixtures](https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/relations#setting-up-the-fixtures) the sentence > Return `owner` set to `User::factory()->random().` should be: > Return `owner` set to `UserFactory::random()`. ...
i think you put the coding-challenge before this chapter by mistake. btw. Ryan ... my cats missing the cat-lang of the courses. they still stuck on Api-Platform 2.6. ...
Does any one know where I can read about how to make API Platform docs load dynamically based on who is logged in? |mention:213| said at the end of the video, "something we're going to tackle in this tutorial" ...
For all of us struggling with an empty spec "No operations defined in spec!" using php 8 attributes, there's a compatibility layer that needs to be disabled: ``` api_platform: metadata_backward_compatibility_layer: false ``` Source: https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/4485#issuecomment-933448396 ...
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Hey Chtioui, You may find some deprecations along the way but in general all of the concepts are still relevant. Oh, by the way, we just released a new tutorial about APIPlatform 3 https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform Cheers! ...
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Hi, In Api Platform 3 there is no ```php ApiPlatform\Core\DataProvider\CollectionDataProviderInterface; ApiPlatform\Core\DataProvider\ContextAwareCollectionDataProviderInterface; ApiPlatform\Core\DataProvider ...
Hello GianlucaF If I understood you correctly, then you can do it with context builder. You will find it in the security part of ApiPlatform series PS fast link https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/context-builder StayTuned! Cheers! ...
Unfortunately, Alice isn't compatible with API Platform. I have tried to use with my test, though I was able to create fixtures but couldn't reload or refresh the database. ...
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... I'm trying to update a record from an ajax call to a put API-Platform endpoint, but I'm getting a message: "Deserialization for the format \"html\" is not supported." Can anyone help me with this?