1015 search results for API Platform

Crazy situation and few hours later all the time on this problem, now it works. Everything started to work when I switched other entities api-platform shortName definition by entityName to entityname (all lower case and without underscore) ...
Hey Bohdan, Agree, in the video we change it to the "admin:write", I updated the code block in https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/api-platform/commit/a75b8fe146e38ba0a230fa86034ee993c5aae7e9 Thank you for reporting this! Cheers! ...
... Gotcha. I've done just that and provided a detailed outline on https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/2967 with a link and description on how to reproduce the issue. Thanks!
... I don't know if it is just me, but when I try using the api platform interface to create a user, it doesn't bcrypt the password, any idea why that is?
Hey John, Ah, we're sorry about that! Yes, namespace was missed in the first code block, it's fixed now: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/validation#codeblock-4d04c62b2b Thank you for reporting it! Cheers! ...
Hey, thank you for this course. I think API Platform is great! I've been learning it for days now and I can't wait to see what you're going to teach us here. Keep up the good work, that's fantastic! ...
Hey Amin, Yes, we're going to cover oneToMany relation in this course, but probably not much complex than that, just simple oneToMany - it will be just basics of API-Platform. Cheers! ...
In Symfony I used to create a complex form, specially for oneToMany relations, you know using collection type, allow_add and other fascinating options, so is there anyway to have it in api platform? does this course cover things like this ? ...
Hey Diaconescu I'm not sure I'm following you. What problem are you expieriencing? We can't access to your localhost, so we can't see your commits, and what's the relation of API Platform to this episode? ...
Hi |mention:213|, I suspect a regression in API Platform 3.3. If I run the tests in the "finish" folder after upgrading Symfony to 6.4 and API Platform to 3.3, then the `patch()` calls return `null` again. If I ...
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... ": "The class \"App\\Entity\\DragonTreasure\" cannot be retrieved from \"App\\ApiResource\\UserApi\".", "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Doctrine/Common/State/LinksHandlerTrait.php ...
Thanks for your great and detailed answer. No, no. I don't expect to see Mercure in any "heavy" way/use. But would be cool to see it in action with api platform - 2 maybe 3 episodes (just like in symfony ux tutorial). I ...
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Hi kyotomano! This is a perfect time to ask these questions :). > Is this course going to be divided into 3 parts just like api platform 2? [base, security, custom resources]. Probably, yes. Though there are a ...
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... code block https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/property-metadata#codeblock-9f8f70a4db (if you expand it) is a "string" instead of an array. This seems like the same issue that we were talking about on ...
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Hey Dang ! Yes, there is a new PATCH, I think it's new in Api Platform 2.5. The explanation of what's going on can be found here: https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/4344#issuecomment-873418011 I have not ...
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... Platform until API Platform 2.6" bug/error... but then I saw that you *did* in fact upgrade to API Platform 2.6. There is one thing that is mysteriously missing from the logs you posted. Because you are using session ...
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Hey @Aaron! Ah! Excellent detective work! My immediate guess would be this guy: `Upgrading api-platform/core (v2.4.5 => v2.5.7)`. You could try running adding (if it's not there already directly) api-platform/core to ...
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... /screencast/api-platform-extending - then we DO use a DATABASE_TEST_URL env var. That variable can be set in 2 different ways: A) If you use the same Docker setup as the api-platform-extending tutorial, then you will have a ...
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... platform doesn't show this field So the logic for whether or not a field shows up in API Platform is "fairly" simple (with quotes around it, because nothing in programming is always *that* simple). There are 2 big things to ...
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... API Platform annotations are my *least* favorite annotations out of anything. I would very much prefer a PHP configuration. The problem is that they're very complex. Doctrine metadata is simple - `@ORM\Column(nullable ...
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