1015 search results for API Platform

The validator is not API platform specific, right? I have a strange problem: a validator that always shows a violation test-wise. This is triggered, as expected, on an API call. The same via EasyAdmin. But not ...
Christian H.
Christian H.
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... ' not found in /srv/api/tests/Functional/LogResourceTest.php:8 Stack trace: 1) Why is that ? 2) Why do we move our CustomApiTestCase in src/Test ? That's make two tests folder, which can be confusing. -> My test works if CustomApiTestCase is in Tests folder PS : I'm on API Platform 2.5.9
There is something wrong, that doesn't work for me, I can't explain but found working solution. Can anyone explain? Environment ` ... "php": ">=7.2.5", "api-platform/core": "^2.5", "symfony/framework-bundle": "5.1 ...
... two dates In my api platform everything is work, but I dont know how to send date (dates) via axios so I can filter result by date or range date.
... basically fetch all colors in the database with a colors service (you can fiddle with API Platform to see which API call is needed for that) and then display the color choices with a simple color swatches selector. Stay tuned!
Hello, First of all thanks fir this great tutorial ; it's really interesting and forgive my poor English... So, i try to start with Api Platform and my first question is How to generate Api Models from an existing ...
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Hey Sung L. There is a way to access to the previous object when working with Voters, you can check it here https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/previous-object But for what you actually want I'm ...
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... to make a request to an API Platform endpoint with filters applies (e.g. /api/cheeses?is_published=1)? I think you mean something different... but I don't quite understand yet. Please tell me more! Cheers!
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Hi Excellent!!! no particular reason except for I followed the exact same steps provided by the api platform documentation and this video tutorial. (https://api-platform.com/docs/core/serialization/#changing-the ...
Hey weaverryan! I thought a bit more about this and I want to add *one* more detail about this. If you decide to start using the GraphQL functionality from API Platform, then the custom controller and event listener ...
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Hey Rakodev I believe it will take us at least 1 month to start releasing the security tutorial About your question I found that Api Platform comes with a built-in integration with ElasticSearch. Being honest, I ...
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Hey @Rudi-T! Hmm, you literally have `path/실례.html` in your schema? That appears to be... a Korean character? And the `.html` is also weird. I have no idea what would be causing this. The mechanism in API Platform is ...
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I have an Endpoint with takes a UUID property and an array of UUIDs via POST. In API Platform 2.6, I had a class tagged as ApiResource with has a path and an Output-Class defined (another ApiResource, which is also a ...
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Hy Ryan, sorry for the late answer. I'm working on a project with multiple Microservices which are based on Symfony 5.4 and Api-platform 2.7. These will have to be upgraded to Symfony6 and Apip3 sooner or later ...
... versions. For example, `str_replace()` exists in this class in API Platform 2.4 and 2.5, but not in 2.6: they may have fixed some bugs or find a better way to do something. I would try upgrading if you can. If you can't ...
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... (not really much related to API Platform itself, but things more related to Symfony). We will upgrade these tutorials... but I'm not sure when. I need to check with the API Platform team to see what their roadmap is (so we ...
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This is just FYI as I am using API Platform 2.6.8. The desciption for the filter in the documentation was not working for me. Instead of: ``` return [ 'from' => [ 'property' => null ...
Hi A couple of things: First, I work mostly with graphql on API-Platform and would appreciate if you create a specific tutorial for that. Secondly, with API-Platform graphql, I would normally do this type of ...
Bernard A.
Bernard A.
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... this class - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/2.6/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Paginator.php - is your "data" and then that is run through the serializer. Other normalizers - for example https://github.com/api ...
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... "start" of this tutorial + what we've done in the first 9 chapters. To help, what kinds of issues are you having? Is it related to the API Platform test files that we "backport" from version 2.5 (which wouldn't be necessary ...
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