Hi guys,
For some reasons the easyadmin-all.css & easyadmin-all.js files a not loaded. When i check in my browser's console they both have a 404. When i open the source code of the page and try to click both css & js ...
Hey Tomas,
You're right, it's the latest for now. Sure, let's figure out together. You can find the bundle on Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/easycorp/easyadmin-bundle - as you can see in the right sidebar ...
Hey Alessandro,
Hm, interesting... what version of EasyAdmin do you have? This sounds like a bug, probably if you could upgrade to the latest EasyAdmin it will fix the problem. Or probably the variable was renamed ...
> EasyAdmin with SF4 + connection with Guard
Also, what do you mean about this? EasyAdmin is just a tool to generate admin interface for your Symfony aplpications. But Guard is all about authentication. So, they are not ...
Dynamic Disable an Action AdminContext
... Then EasyAdmin would
naturally just... hide the "Delete" link.
To figure out how to do this, let's click into our base class -
AbstractCrudController - and go down to where the controller methods are. Check
this out: in ...
Adding a Custom Action
... does not start with /easyadmin.
And so, it's not protected by our access_control security.
That should be enough to get started. Refresh! There's our link! Click it and...
good! Error! I love errors! Our action is still ...
... problem? Are you sure you have "web/bundles/easyadmin/stylesheet/easyadmin-all.min.css" file exist in this path?
Can you please add to your plans :
+ How to make a landing page (dashboard) for easyadmin because currently, EasyAdmin doesn't have a real backend homepage. When you access the backend, you are redirected to the list action of the first configured entity .
+ Export data into csv file . ...
Hm, i get no navbar on the left .. i use the latest sf and easyadmin. i see only the welcome page. any ideas why?
if i use a custom template like that
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/page/content.html.twig' %}
{% block ...
Hey |mention:51653|
Thank you for your feedback! I'll share it with the team
> By the way, I've always wondered if it was possible to override EasyAdmin to use DataTables instead and have it use Ajax requests ...
Hey Ahmedbhs,
I suppose so, try `css_class` for this. Check more information in the docs: https://symfony.com/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/2.x/book/menu-configuration.html#css-classes - though this version of EasyAdmin ...
Hey Scott,
If you're interested in Symfony UX integration in EasyAdmin - please, take a look at this chapter where we're talking about it and integrates ChartJS via Symfony UX into EasyAdmin dashboard: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/easyadminbundle/dashboard-page
I hope that helps!
Cheers! ...
Hey Victor,
I have this version of EasyAdmin Bundle installed:
"name": "easycorp/easyadmin-bundle",
"version": "v4.0.9",
I think this one is the actualy latest.
I am sorry, but I am beginner ...
Hey Andrzej S.
I'm afraid there was a confusion. This tutorial uses Symfony 6 and PHP 8 but it doesn't mean that you can only run EasyAdmin on those versions. EasyAdmin comes with its own version constraints that you ...
In documentation for fields i missing info for choicetype, i'm not
sure how to deal with roles to be assigned from easyadmin, and encode
new password for user. Another one, upload some files from easyadmin?
Would we find something later on about that kind of stuff in this course? ...
Is EasyAdmin compatible with Symfony 5.1.3? I am working now on a project in symfony 5 and I need to decide what to use for the admin part. Seems like sonata is not compatible with symfony, how about easyadmin?
Thank you ...
Does EasyAdmin support entity classes with constructor arguments for properties that are meant to be not nullable? EasyAdmin instantiates the entity class even if you click the "Add " button, right? Unfortunatelly this results in an "Too few arguments to function __construct()" error. Do you have a solution for this problem? ...
Hi guys, I have an issue.
When I set a new "resource" in easy_admin.yaml :
resource: "@App/Controller/EasyAdmin/AdminController.php"
prefix: /easyadmin
type: annotation
Getting this Error:
An ...
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