2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Peter L.! You're absolutely correct! The reason I typically use an extra library on top of that is because the Doctrine paginator doesn't make it easy to determine what the "next" page is (or if one is needed) or ...
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... [ 'tags' => TagFactory::randomRange(0, 5), ]; }); ` i got error from doctrine orm : Cannot set attribute "tags" for object "App\Entity\Question" (not public and no setter). Could not determine ...
Tien dat L.
Tien dat L.
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... project seem to work (all test run smoothly ... code-coverage 70%) 4) `composer update`don't show anything left to install (--> Is this what you mean check doctrine updates?) Any other idea? Cheers!
... because we made it to specifically work with `CheeseListing` objects only, but also because it involves digging into Doctrine internals, which would likely complicate moving the constraint to a non-entity even further. I wonder how you would have solved that. :)
... /doctrine-orm-adapter pagerfanta/twig What Composer output do you have? No errors? Nothing to install or update? Also, could you clear the cache and try again? Still the same error? Cheers!
... you need to drop the incorrect migrations as you suggested, then create the DB and schema via Doctrine commands instead, then generate new migrations for your specific DB provider. Cheers!
... setSites() method on User? That's the only piece I don't see here. It's also odd that Doctrine is complaining about the ArrayCollection - as it implements the Collection interface class that it says it actually wants :). Cheers!
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... Hey Kiuega, I'm not sure about KnpPaginator, but I think a good idea to try. Doctrine Paginator is just a bit more lightweight and low level, Knp Paginator has more overhead, but if you get used to it - why not to try ...
Hi i am trying to install doctrine for work with docker but when i install orm (composer require orm) then orm install successfully but command prompt not work correctly. and for this reason i could not create ...
... when I create a new object and write it to the database using Doctrine Eventmanager. Then the validator is not called. Is that the way it is supposed to be? Or do I have something configured wrong? I use Symfony 5.2. and PHP 8.0.3
Christian H.
Christian H.
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Thanks for the answer, i wonder, would it be possible, and "good practice" to create one Doctrine Criteria and share it between the Voter and the Extension? Or is there a other way to "centralize" the code for my access ...
... () ->getConnection('gso'); $ngso = $conn->fetchArray("SELECT COUNT(*) from gso.persons");` But how can I get a `Repository` that uses this connection? The Doctrine documentation says, that `EntityManager::create()` accepts a ...
Hey @Farry7! Hmmm. I’m not familiar with this error! Is this from a custom project? So, looking into this - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13708761/doctrine-orm-ormexception-this-behaviour-is-currently-not ...
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Hey Farry, 1) Basically this topic is related to Doctrine and not to Symfony, so you don't have to change anything if you're using Symfony5 for this project 2) Yes, you can do that but it depends on how you want to ...
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Hey NicolasZ, Yes, the library you're referencing to ( https://github.com/doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions ) is actually caused that issue with their major release :) In the screencast, we use the bundle that is ...
... you explained this at the last episode of Symfony 5 > Doctrine, Symfony & the Database, by tricking the DateTime field. I am curious wether there are other ways.
... too in the Doctrine and Symfony docs, but actually, in the Symfony docs it says that now the Inflector Component is deprecated (https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/inflector.html). Maybe there's a way to configure through yaml, or maybe through decoration?
Hey Albert G.! Yes, I know this issue - it's super annoying! There is a thread on this page - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/console#comment-5045615493 - where we talk about ways to debug this. I ...
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... Hey odds! Don't give up! :) These are both normal errors - and we talk about them later in the tutorial - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony5-upgrade/doctrine-bundle-updates The tl;dr is that a few type ...
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Hi, I just ran thru the setup and all went well until I attempted to connect to the db via the php bin/console doctrine:database:create command. I get this error: [Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000 ...