30 Days of LAST Stack Tutorial Free until Jan 15th
Written by weaverryan

I haven't been this excited about the web in a long time. Layers of complexity that we learned to live with - Node, Webpack, Babel, combining files, giant frontend libraries - are being replaced. The new paradigm is simpler, just as powerful and incredibly fun to use.
To celebrate the release of Symfony 7 & a stable Asset Mapper, we're launching a 30 Days of LAST Stack tutorial. It starts December 1 and will run until the end of the year. Each day, we'll release a new video that will tackle real problems that you face every day: modals, toast notifications, AJAX everywhere, dynamic forms, data tables and more.
And, it's all free until January 15th! So tell your friends, spread the front-end goodness & love your stack in 2024. https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/last-stack
Hey Mustafa,
Happy New Year! SymfonyCasts team is back to work again :)
If you're just testing our comments system - well, it works :)
Ryan ... You are awesome ... :-*