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30 Days with LAST Stack

Unlock the full scope of the LAST stack with our intensive 30-day tutorial. Dive into Twig components and Tailwind CSS.

  • beginner
  • 2082 students
  • EN/ES Captions
  • EN/ES Script
  • Certificate of Completion

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About this course

What PHP libraries does this tutorial use?

// composer.json
    "require": {
        "php": ">=8.2",
        "ext-ctype": "*",
        "ext-iconv": "*",
        "babdev/pagerfanta-bundle": "4.x-dev", // 4.x-dev
        "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.10", // 2.12.x-dev
        "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^3.2", // 3.4.x-dev
        "doctrine/orm": "^2.16", // 2.18.x-dev
        "knplabs/knp-time-bundle": "dev-main", // dev-main
        "pagerfanta/doctrine-orm-adapter": "4.x-dev", // 4.x-dev
        "pagerfanta/twig": "4.x-dev", // 4.x-dev
        "symfony/asset": "6.4.*", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/asset-mapper": "6.4.*", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/console": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/dotenv": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/flex": "^2", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/form": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/framework-bundle": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/monolog-bundle": "^3.0", // dev-master
        "symfony/runtime": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/security-csrf": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/stimulus-bundle": "2.x-dev", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/twig-bundle": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/ux-autocomplete": "2.x-dev", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/ux-live-component": "2.x-dev", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/ux-turbo": "2.x-dev", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/ux-twig-component": "2.x-dev", // 2.x-dev
        "symfony/validator": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/web-link": "6.4.*", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/yaml": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfonycasts/dynamic-forms": "dev-main", // dev-main
        "symfonycasts/tailwind-bundle": "dev-main", // dev-main
        "tales-from-a-dev/flowbite-bundle": "dev-main", // dev-main
        "twig/extra-bundle": "^2.12|^3.0", // 3.x-dev
        "twig/twig": "^2.12|^3.0" // 3.x-dev
    "require-dev": {
        "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^3.4", // 3.6.x-dev
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5", // 9.6.x-dev
        "symfony/browser-kit": "6.4.*", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/css-selector": "6.4.*", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/debug-bundle": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.51", // dev-main
        "symfony/panther": "^2.1", // v2.1.1
        "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "7.1.x-dev", // 7.1.x-dev
        "symfony/stopwatch": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "symfony/web-profiler-bundle": "6.4.x-dev", // 6.4.x-dev
        "zenstruck/browser": "1.x-dev", // 1.x-dev
        "zenstruck/foundry": "^1.36" // 1.x-dev

What JavaScript libraries does this tutorial use?

// importmap.php

return [
  'app' => [
    'path' => './assets/app.js',
    'entrypoint' => true,
  'js-confetti' => [
    'version' => '0.11.0',
  '@hotwired/stimulus' => [
    'version' => '3.2.2',
  '@symfony/stimulus-bundle' => [
    'path' => './vendor/symfony/stimulus-bundle/assets/dist/loader.js',
  'tom-select' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
  'tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
    'type' => 'css',
  '@hotwired/turbo' => [
    'version' => '7.3.0',
  'stimulus-popover' => [
    'version' => '6.2.0',
  'debounce' => [
    'version' => '1.2.1',
  'turbo-view-transitions' => [
    'version' => '0.3.0',
  'stimulus-use' => [
    'version' => '0.52.1',
  'flowbite' => [
    'version' => '2.2.1',
  '@popperjs/core' => [
    'version' => '2.11.8',
  'flowbite-datepicker' => [
    'version' => '1.2.6',

What JavaScript libraries does this tutorial use?

// importmap.php

return [
  'app' => [
    'path' => './assets/app.js',
    'entrypoint' => true,
  'js-confetti' => [
    'version' => '0.11.0',
  '@hotwired/stimulus' => [
    'version' => '3.2.2',
  '@symfony/stimulus-bundle' => [
    'path' => './vendor/symfony/stimulus-bundle/assets/dist/loader.js',
  'tom-select' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
  'tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
    'type' => 'css',
  '@hotwired/turbo' => [
    'version' => '7.3.0',
  'stimulus-popover' => [
    'version' => '6.2.0',
  'debounce' => [
    'version' => '1.2.1',
  'turbo-view-transitions' => [
    'version' => '0.3.0',
  'stimulus-use' => [
    'version' => '0.52.1',
  'flowbite' => [
    'version' => '2.2.1',
  '@popperjs/core' => [
    'version' => '2.11.8',
  'flowbite-datepicker' => [
    'version' => '1.2.6',

What JavaScript libraries does this tutorial use?

// importmap.php

return [
  'app' => [
    'path' => './assets/app.js',
    'entrypoint' => true,
  'js-confetti' => [
    'version' => '0.11.0',
  '@hotwired/stimulus' => [
    'version' => '3.2.2',
  '@symfony/stimulus-bundle' => [
    'path' => './vendor/symfony/stimulus-bundle/assets/dist/loader.js',
  'tom-select' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
  'tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
    'type' => 'css',
  '@hotwired/turbo' => [
    'version' => '7.3.0',
  'stimulus-popover' => [
    'version' => '6.2.0',
  'debounce' => [
    'version' => '1.2.1',
  'turbo-view-transitions' => [
    'version' => '0.3.0',
  'stimulus-use' => [
    'version' => '0.52.1',
  'flowbite' => [
    'version' => '2.2.1',
  '@popperjs/core' => [
    'version' => '2.11.8',
  'flowbite-datepicker' => [
    'version' => '1.2.6',

What JavaScript libraries does this tutorial use?

// importmap.php

return [
  'app' => [
    'path' => './assets/app.js',
    'entrypoint' => true,
  'js-confetti' => [
    'version' => '0.11.0',
  '@hotwired/stimulus' => [
    'version' => '3.2.2',
  '@symfony/stimulus-bundle' => [
    'path' => './vendor/symfony/stimulus-bundle/assets/dist/loader.js',
  'tom-select' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
  'tom-select/dist/css/tom-select.default.css' => [
    'version' => '2.3.1',
    'type' => 'css',
  '@hotwired/turbo' => [
    'version' => '7.3.0',
  'stimulus-popover' => [
    'version' => '6.2.0',
  'debounce' => [
    'version' => '1.2.1',
  'turbo-view-transitions' => [
    'version' => '0.3.0',
  'stimulus-use' => [
    'version' => '0.52.1',
  'flowbite' => [
    'version' => '2.2.1',
  '@popperjs/core' => [
    'version' => '2.11.8',
  'flowbite-datepicker' => [
    'version' => '1.2.6',

LAST stack - Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo - puts the joy, productivity & simplicity back into creating rich, frontend experiences. And in 30 days, I'll prove it:

  • AssetMapper fundamentals
  • JavaScript Modules? ESM?
  • 3rd party packages with importmap:require
  • CSS
  • Tailwind CSS!
  • Stimulus
  • UXs Package
  • Turbo Drive
  • Turbo Frames
  • Popover & Stimulus Components
  • Fully-armed "Data tables" setup
  • View transitions & CSS transitions
  • Toast Flash Notifications
  • Turbo Streams
  • Reusable, fully-featured modals
  • Twig Components
  • A Modal Twig Component
  • Live Component
  • Real-time form validation
  • Dynamic / Dependent Forms
  • "Add New" to a select element from a form
  • Testing Twig Components & Live Components
  • Functional testing with JavaScript
  • Flowbite Bonus


Next courses in the Symfony 6: Tools, Tools, Tools! section of the Symfony 6 Track!


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antisha256 avatar antisha256 13 days ago

Hello, planing to take on this course, but i'm curious are these two https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/stimulus and https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo also relevant and recommended to watch (and is it better to do it before this course). Thanks, this seams like really refreshing and interesting course to go through

| Reply |

Hey antisha256,

Yes, those courses are relevant and more specific, i.e. those are standalone courses about Stimulus and Turbo. They are not required to start this course, so feel free to start with LAST and after it start watching Stimulus and then Turbo to learn those technologies better if needed. We cover some basics of them in this course, but if you're planning to work with it more - I would recommend to watch those courses as well.


1 | Reply |
Mike-Profile avatar Mike-Profile 13 days ago

Do you still recommend LAST-stack? In your new Symfony 7 tutorial you've talked about Stimulus and Turbo, but not about the LAST Stack like in this Symfony 6 tutorial. So my question is, is this tutorial still "up to date" or do you recommend another "way" with SF7?

| Reply |

Hey Mike,

Sure, LAST is our very new course about JS frontend, actually the latest one :) So yes, definitely go with it if you're looking for a modern way of writing websites using Symfony framework with JS integration.

Unfortunately, the LAST stack is too huge to be covered in a tutorial that related to a completely different topic like e.g. Symfony 6 intro course, that's why LAST has its own standalone course. Btw, if you're talking about Symfony 6 in specific - that course was recorded before the LAST course ;)

In short, it's still up to date and our recommendation, but of course it depends on your needs and how you see your website implementation, because some websites may not need JS at all :)


| Reply |
Erick-E-Alvarez-R avatar Erick-E-Alvarez-R 4 months ago edited

Hello everyone. Great job symfonycasts!!!

Two questions:

  1. Why does it say this course is free until January 15, 2024, but I see some videos require a subscription to get the certificate? The summary for this course says it starts on December 1, but it was published on November 30, 2023.

  2. How can I filter all the free courses on Symfonycasts? Because when filtering courses in the search, the courses appear but you have to scroll to find the ones that are free as labeled in the descriptive image.

| Reply |

Hi @Erick-E-Alvarez-R

  1. It was free for a limited time, and it started to release on 1 December 2023, I even checked all possible dates and can't find any November mentions in the course description, maybe you can get more details about this.
  2. Unfortunately, there is no Free filter yet, but I registered it as a feature request in our list and we will process it soon.


| Reply |
Erick-E-Alvarez-R avatar Erick-E-Alvarez-R sadikoff 2 months ago edited

Hello @sadikoff, In English, above in the course description, it says the following:

About this course
Symfony 6.4
LAST stack - Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo - puts the joy, productivity & simplicity back into creating rich, frontend experiences.

However, in Spanish, it says the following:

About this course
Symfony 6.4

This course is 100% free until January 15th. Enjoy! https://symfonycasts.com/blog/30-days-last-stack-free

LAST stack - Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo - puts the joy, productivity & simplicity back into creating rich, frontend experiences.

So, above the h1 tag of the title of this page:


it says Nov 30th, 2023

but as you can see, in the Tip paragraph it says "This course is 100% free until January 15th" but the first impression is that it is until January 15th, 2025.

I want to know about free courses here at SymfonyCasts, I'm very interested in this, and that there is the possibility that you enable free courses for periods of time in the same way that you have done with courses like this one.

Thank you very much, I look forward to your response.

| Reply |

Hi @Erick-E-Alvarez-R

Sorry for the delay in answering your question. Thanks for the patience, we fixed the issue with the description. We'll see if we can publish more courses insuch way =)


1 | Reply |
Erick-E-Alvarez-R avatar Erick-E-Alvarez-R sadikoff 1 month ago

Thank you very much @sadikoff.


| Reply |
Ruslan avatar Ruslan 7 months ago

Is it possible to use this course for Symfony 7 ?

| Reply |

Hey Ruslan,

We do recommend users download the course project code from the video page to follow our courses and 100% match the code that you see in the video. But you can definitely follow it on a newer Symfony version if you want, but you should keep in mind that the code may be slightly different. Actually, Symfony 6.4 that is a base version for this course = Symfony 7 but with a dropped legacy layer, so in theory you should not face any problems. Moreover, we constantly add some important notes to the scripts and video if there's a BD break in a newer version, so you should be extra safe. But if you get stuck following this course on a newer Symfony version - let us know in the comments below and our support team will help you.


2 | Reply |
Altyn avatar Altyn 7 months ago

Many thanks for the course, Ryan and team! Get well soon!

| Reply |

Hey Altyn,

We're pleased to hear you like this course! And thank you for your feedback and kind words to Ryan! :)


| Reply |
JonathanP avatar JonathanP 9 months ago

Hi !

First and foremost, thanks for this great course, I'm currently implementing this stack on my next project and so far it's great !

I just have a question regarding redirection after submission with a modal : let's say I want to redirect user to the app_voyage_edit route after submiting a new voyage through a modal, how would it be possible ?

If I change the redirect in the controller, it works but the edit form goes in the modal, and it's not the behavior I'm looking for.

My first idea was to extend base.html.twig in the voyage/edit.html.twig template instead of modalBase.html.twig, but it fails to redirect in that case.

I thought of creating a redirect_controller.js to change the window.location.href through a turbo-stream, but then I miss the toast notification ...

Is there a way I'm not aware of ? Does anyone have a better idea ?

Thanks a lot for your work, and of course I wish Ryan a full recovery !

| Reply |

Hey @JonathanP

Thank you for your kind words. I believe you need a full-page refresh for this case. To make a turbo-frame load the content on the outside you need to add this HTML attribute target="_top"
I recommend watching this video, it shows off how to do fancy stuff after a "modal success" https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/last-stack/modal-success


1 | Reply |
JonathanP avatar JonathanP MolloKhan 9 months ago edited

Hi @MolloKhan , and thank you so much !

I knew it had been explained somewhere (in the turbo-frames video in fact), and I am a little upset at myself for having bothered someone for something that could have been done with a little more commitment to research ...

Again, thank you !

| Reply |

No problem! By the way, at the top of the page we have a search bar where you can look over things related to this course only or through all the courses


| Reply |
Fedale avatar Fedale 11 months ago

Thanks a lot for this fantastic tutorial!

| Reply |
OldCoder avatar OldCoder 11 months ago

GREAT tutorial! On the Voyage new/edit page, either with/without modal, when you pick a value from the browser's suggestions (psuedo element "internal-input-suggested) for the Purpose field, it activates the site search modal... any idea why?

| Reply |

Hey OldCoder,

Hm, that's weird behavior, please double-check what exactly you listen to to open the site search modal. Is that internal-input-suggested a pseudo-element? Could you share an example how you use that? Fairly speaking I don't know that internal-input-suggested, but quick googling of it shows that it may cause some issues. I suppose it's only Chrome browser feature? If so, probably that just has a bug with it. Otherwise, try to use it in a different browser, e.g. Firefox. The same behaviour?

I hope that helps!


| Reply |
Tac-Tacelosky avatar Tac-Tacelosky 11 months ago

Great tutorial. To make it production-ready, we'd only want to show the planet edit buttons to ROLE_ADMIN, and the Voyage edit buttons to IsGranted('VOYAGE_ADMIN', voyage), and the Voyage new button to ROLE_USER. All of this is easy enough to do in Symfony and Twig, but what recommendations do you have for registration / login with LAST? You've done tutorials in the past that have had web authentication at least being via an AJAX call, I think that was in a Vue tutorial.

I've been playing around with making this a PWA so that it can be run offline, a great exercise in page caching, pre-loading, service workers, etc. But it'd be really cool if there were authentication.

My inclination would also be to use ApiPlatform, but maybe that's not necessary. But obviously the add/edit/delete buttons can't be visible to everyone, so I'm wondering how you would approach this if there had been a few more days in the month when you made this awesome 30-day tutorial.

| Reply |

Hey Tac,

So yeah, login/registeration form is just a regular form so you can handle it in the way we handle forms here. Basically, I bet LiveComponents will do the trick well here. The ApiPlatform might be an overkill for this IMO, but if you're already using that in your project - you can give it a try, though I personally didn't do that before.

About PWA - hm, not sure here, I personally don't have experience in that. So probably a lot of possible edge cases to solve, maybe it's better to watch into more specific tools like VueJS to implement truly SPA, etc.

I hope that helps!


| Reply |

What a great course as always! I am actually applying the things I've learned here to my current project. Feels good to say good bye to encore!

I am a bit confused on when to use LiveComponents vs TwigComponents. I think I understand the difference... input vs no input? I guess I will need more experience to be able to decide on which to use case by case.

I am attempting to create components to be used for e-commerce. Btw... do you know of any nice bundle that would make developing simple subscription webapps simpler? (eg. subsription plans, payment methods, orders, returns, recurrent billing, etc.). I found Shapecode but is 4 years old

| Reply |

Hey again @escobarcampos!

What a great course as always! I am actually applying the things I've learned here to my current project. Feels good to say good bye to encore!

Woo! Best possible situation!

I am a bit confused on when to use LiveComponents vs TwigComponents. I think I understand the difference... input vs no input? I guess I will need more experience to be able to decide on which to use case by case.

You need a LiveComponent if you need your TwigComponent to reload via Ajax as the user interacts with it. That's a pretty good rule of thumb. But, of course, you can also handle a lot of user interaction just with Stimulus & Turbo. So even if I created a TwigComponent (because maybe I want something to be reusable, or provide its own variables), if I need some interactivity (like submitting a form via Ajax), I might just use Turbo & Stimulus for that. But you can also use LiveComponents, and those are especially useful if the user interaction gets more and more complex.

Btw... do you know of any nice bundle that would make developing simple subscription webapps simpler? (eg. subsription plans, payment methods, orders, returns, recurrent billing, etc.). I found Shapecode but is 4 years old

I don't :/. I hope we can release something some day. I'd recommend checking out Paddle or Lemonsqueezy in general as your payment processor. They can handle a lot of the heavy lifting for you.


| Reply |
Kilian-K avatar Kilian-K 1 year ago edited

What an incredible tutorial and a bunch of new revolutionary technologies all mixing up so cleanly together.

Already using this knowledge in personal and professional projects, really amazing stuff.

I have a couple of questions that came to my head while using some of the technologies mentioned in this tutorial and I could not find the answer online:
1- Is there a way to ask forms as LiveComponents to validate on debounce rather than on focusing out of input field?
2- Is there a new version of EasyAdminBundle in the works that would integrate LiveComponents and have this frontend validation enabled?

Thank you very much for your great work!

| Reply |

Hey @Kilian-K

I'm glad to know you find the tutorial useful. To change when to submit the form, you need to override the getDataModelValue() method from the trait Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\ComponentWithFormTrait

About EasyAdmin, I've not heard that they're planning to integrate LiveComponents but I'd imagine they eventually will. You may want to ask that question in their GitHub repository or perhaps in the Symfony Slack channel


1 | Reply |

Thank you for the answers MolloKhan, managed to make the validation on debounce happen with your tip! I am guessing the same about EasyAdmin, I guess it will just take a little bit of time!

Have a nice day!

| Reply |
hamza_makraz avatar hamza_makraz 1 year ago

Thanks, Rayan and the SymfonyCasts team. I enjoyed the awesome videos 🙌🏼.

| Reply |
Damien avatar Damien 1 year ago

Thanks a lot Ryan for this incredible course. I have a side question: can you tell us which plugins do you use in your Phpstorm? In mine, twig:Button or turbo-stream for example are underlined because unknown for Phpstorm. Thanks!

| Reply |

Hey Damien,

It might depend on PhpStorm version. But the Symfony plugin activated and correctly configured (we use a paid version of it in the screencast btw) should do the trick with it. Other plugins - are mostly visual like "Atom Material Icons" and "Rainbow Brackets". Also, Ryan has GitHub's Copilot and Stimulus plugins :)


1 | Reply |


It's clearly great to have all this UX "simply", us being so much more back-end/php oriented. You cover topics that are commonly used (modals, toasts...) regardless of the project. And that's awesome. As always, you don't settle for the minimum, you fine-tune with a few CSS classes or a few lines of JS : it makes all the difference.

You've proved that you can do without Node.js but... regarding quality tools like prettier, eslint... if we want to run them locally, its another story. After that, we could very well have Node (or docker) just for that, we'd still have the complexity of Webpack less. Curious to hear your opinion on the subject :)


| Reply |

Hey @Steven!

This is a very good question / thing to notice :). And I think you understand the situation perfectly.

So yes, the real answer is "remove your full build system - you don't need it!". But if there is some tool that you want to use and it's built in Node, absolutely, go for it :). Your setup will still be 95% simpler than it was before. I say a lot about "removing node" because you don't "need" it. And this is such a big change, I'm trying to be clear a about this possibility. The real situation is more nuanced. Start with no-build, Then intelligently opt into tools if you want them. I think many apps may still have no node, but some might, and that's cool :).


1 | Reply |
Fabrice avatar Fabrice 1 year ago

Hey! I've never used Turbo before but I can't wait to discover it on your training!

I already have a first question. Is it possible to use Turbo on EasyAdmin? :)

| Reply |

Hey Fabrice,

In theory, it should be possible, you should just enable it for those pages in the way we show in our Turbo tutorial: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo . Though if you watched that course - sometimes Turbo may have some edge cases, that you would need to handle. What I mean is that I haven't done that myself yet, so can't say for sure, but you can easily try it out if you're interested in it and see if it works for you, but be ready to fix some edge cases.


| Reply |

Okay thank you!

| Reply |

Hey @Fabrice!

We'll talk a bit in this tutorial about how Turbo is great, but how you may not be able to enable Turbo Drive immediately in a legacy application. But, Turbo is 2 other pieces (Frames & Drive) and those are much easier to enable even in those situations.

About EasyAdmin, I get this question from time-to-time. I think that EasyAdmin itself will need to update how its JavaScript is organized a bit to allow for Turbo to be used. I would LOVE to see this happen and even help with it. As you'll see in this tutorial, we could do some really nice things like modals, etc easily in EasyAdmin if it embraced Turbo.


1 | Reply |

Hey! Imagine if we could do this in EasyAdmin, it would be incredible! Looking forward to seeing if this happens, and what possibilities it may offer!

| Reply |

I've opened an issue about it - https://github.com/EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle/issues/6051 - we'll see :)

2 | Reply |

Oooh! Nice idea :)

| Reply |
Ruslan avatar Ruslan 1 year ago

Please, spend enogh time for "Testing" without it it's just toys.
Thank you.

| Reply |

Hey Ruslan,

Thank you for your feedback! What exactly testing are you talking about? The bundles we're using in this course are tested and have tests, you can see it in its repos. Or do you want to see the testing topic covered by this tutorial? Could you give us more context please?


| Reply |

I saw it and it's greate.
I woud like to highlite what 'Testing' is important part in each project, and will be good to see best practice for it.

Thank you.

| Reply |

Hey Ruslan,

I see what you mean. Unfortunately, I'm not sure testing will be covered with this tutorial, that's a completely different topic that requires its own tutorial. There are a lot of testing tools in JS that may help you with it, but mostly you can test it even with Behat/Panther - those tools help you to test UI in a real browser that executes JS, so you literally can open a JS popup, press buttons, send AJAX requests, wait for responses, etc. We have a useful blog post here: https://symfonycasts.com/blog/behat-panther . Also, we have a separate tutorial about Behat testing: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/behat

I hope that helps!


1 | Reply |

I WILL spend some time near the end of this tutorial on testing - I have at least 1 day scheduled for it :). I don't know how far we'll get into it (I haven't written this part), but I want to make something real-world & usable.


1 | Reply |

Testing is why I prefer to separate backend and frontend. It simplifies both backend development (only APIs in Symfony, no Twig, no JS) and frontend development (JS testing in pure-js repository).

I've seen enough legacy Symfony projects with everything combined: Twig, JS, jQuery, Selenium driver, JS-enabled tests. In my experience, for big projects that grow over several years and need maintenance and upgrading, it's better to separate.

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Hey @SRP!

I think this is totally fair! However, as a counterpoint, I wouldn't immediately choose the complexity of separating the frontend and backend simply so that my tests are cleaner and faster. Even in that case, I'm going to have end-to-end tests that verify the full user experience.

In the end, choose whichever you're most comfortable & happiest with. This tutorial is about proving that you can choose the Twig path and still build an incredible UI.


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loevgaard avatar loevgaard 1 year ago

When is this coming? Really looking forward to it!

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Hey @loevgaard ,

Thank you for your interest in SymfonyCasts tutorials! Right now, we're actively working on it :) According to our roadmap: https://symfonycasts.com/courses?status=upcoming&sort=popular#all - it should be the next tutorial that we will start releasing, so it will happen shortly after we finish releasing the "PHPUnit Integration Testing" course.


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loevgaard avatar loevgaard Victor 1 year ago

Thanks :)

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I can't wait to see the part about modals. Will it be with the dialog element?

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