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DQL Filtering & Sorting

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What else could we possibly configure with the list view? How about sorting, or filtering list via DQL. OoooOOooo.

Configuring Sort

First, sorting... which we get for free. Already, the genuses are sorted by id, but we can click any column to sort by that. But this isn't sticky: when you come back to the genus list page, it's back to filtering by id.

Sorting by name would be a bit more awesome. And you can probably guess what the config looks like to do this. Under Genus and list, add sort: name:

136 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 92 - 94
// ... lines 96 - 106
sort: 'name'
// ... lines 108 - 136

This is the new default field for sorting.

Sorting via Relations

Oh, but we can get fancier. Under GenusNote, what if I told you I wanted to sort by the name of the Genus it's related to? Yea, that would mean sorting across a relation. But that's totally possible: sort: ['genus.name', 'ASC']:

137 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 113
// ... lines 115 - 121
sort: ['genus.name', 'ASC']
// ... lines 123 - 137

This also controls the direction. It sorts descending by default.

Try it! Nice! This works... just don't get too confident and try to do this across multiple relationships... that's not going to work.

Disabling Sort Fields

The ability to sort via any field with no setup is great! Though... sometimes it doesn't make sense - like with the "User avatar" field. To tighten things up, you can disable sorting. Find that field's list config and add a new option at the end: sortable: false:

137 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 113
// ... line 115
// ... lines 117 - 118
- { property: 'userAvatarFilename', label: 'User avatar', type: 'image', base_path: '/images/', sortable: false }
// ... lines 120 - 137

And... gone!

DQL Filtering

Ok, let's turn to something fun: DQL filtering. Like, what if we want to hide some genuses entirely from the list and search page?

But first, so far, it seems like we're limited to one entity section per entity. That's a lie! Let me show you: add a new section under entities called GenusHorde - I just made that up. Below, set its class to AppBundle\Entity\Genus:

113 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
class: AppBundle\Entity\Genus

You see, some scientists are worried that certain genuses are becoming too large... and threaten the survival of mankind. They want a new GenusHorde section where they can keep track of all of the genuses that have a lot of species. It's scary stuff, so we'll add a label: HORDE of Genuses with a scary icon:

140 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
class: AppBundle\Entity\Genus
label: HORDE of Genuses ? !!!
// ... lines 114 - 140


Fun fact! You can press Control+Command+Space to open up the icon menu on a Mac.

And all of a sudden... ah! We have a new "Horde of Genuses" section! Run!!!

Of course, this still shows all genuses. I want to filter this to only list genuses that have a lot of species. Start by adding a list key and a new, awe-inspiring option: dql_filter. For the value, pretend that you're building a query in Doctrine. So, entity.speciedCount >= 50000:

142 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 113
dql_filter: 'entity.speciesCount >= 50000'
// ... lines 116 - 142

The alias will always be entity.

Try it! Ten down to... only 7 menacing genuses!

And just like any query, you can get more complex. How about: AND entity.isPublished = true:

144 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 113
dql_filter: 'entity.speciesCount >= 50000 AND entity.isPublished = true'
// ... lines 116 - 144

And to really focus on the genuses that are certain to overtake humanity, sort it by speciesCount and give the section a helpful message: Run for your life!!! Add scary icons for emphasis:

144 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 113
dql_filter: 'entity.speciesCount >= 50000 AND entity.isPublished = true'
sort: 'speciesCount'
help: Run for your life!!! ???
// ... lines 118 - 144

Ok... refresh! Ah... now only three genuses are threatening mankind.

Oh, and search automatically re-uses the dql_filter from list: these are 2 results from the possible 3. And like always, you can override this. Under search, set the dql_filter to the same value, but without the isPublished check:

146 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 80
// ... lines 82 - 89
// ... lines 91 - 110
// ... lines 112 - 117
dql_filter: 'entity.speciesCount >= 50000'
// ... lines 120 - 146

Try that. Boom! 3 more genuses that - when published - will spell certain doom for all.

Next! We'll save humanity by learning how to override the many templates that EasyAdminBundle uses.