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FOSUserBundle FTW!
Ready to rock with Symfony's FOSUserBundle? Brush up on installation, security configuration and form customization.
About this course
NOTE: I now recommend to not use FOSUserBundle. Instead, use MakerBundle: it has commands to generate a User
class, login form, registration form and more.
Ready to master Symfony's most popular bundle! FOSUserBundle can be a
great way to get your application up and running quickly, giving you a User
registration pages, reset password and more. But to make it really shine, you need
to integrate it into your layout, customize its text, tweak its forms and hook into its
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
- Install & setup FOSUserBundle
- Understanding and configuring security
- Using your own base layout
- Overriding templates
- Customizing and extending the forms
- Removing the username field entirely
- Updating any text via translations
- Creating an event subscriber to do things before/after registration (or anything else)
- Using Guard Authentication with FOSUSerBundle
Let's rock!
Next courses in the Symfony 3: Young Jedi section of the Symfony 3 Track!

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Hey there,
I have a bunch of projects that are using Symfony 2.5 to 2.8, I have to migrate them all to 4.4 and they are all using FOSUserBundle. What would be the recommendation here? Should I keep using FOSUB or should I refactor everything to take it out of the equation? Is FOSUB fully supported on SF4.4?
Hey julien_bonnier!
I'd totally keep FOSUB. You have enough things to worry about while upgrading all the projects :). FOSU is supported in Symfony 4-4. The real question is if you'll need to upgrade FOSUB to a newer version and what changes that version might have. I wouldn't use FOSU in a new app, but it's still totally fine - and, if you want, you can worry about removing it some day in the future. We still use it on our site, because... it works and we have other things to worry about ;)

Amazing walkthrough of how the FOSUserbundle works. Certainly recommended.

hmm... maybe to late to join the train? but can i use this to symfony 2.8? im trying implement regist,login,logout,admin rule and user to this https://www.tutorialspoint....
Hey Lavin,
Sure, you can use this bundle with Symfony 2.8. From the latest release, I see it still supports Symfony 2.8, see:

thank for the reply ive done sucessfully implemented that but can i ask another question? can fosuserbundle make separate login like 3 login for admin,customer and seller?
Hey Lavin,
Out of the box, FOSUserBundle does not have a simple solution for that. FOSUserBundle works with your User object in general. But I think you can implement it yourself by overriding some parts of this bundle. It depends on your needs.

Hi there!
Are you planning to move this course training to Symfony 4?
Hi Abelardo L.!
Great question! Actually, we likely will NOT move this to Symfony 4. FOSUserBundle has always give you a lot for free - a login form, registration and reset password. However, it came at a high cost - it was difficult to customize your registration form, or processing or anything else - you needed to hook into events and config to do pretty basic things.
For this reason, my hope is that we can begin to move on from FOSUserBundle. We're not *quite* ready for this yet, but we're close. Here are the important things that FOSUserBundle gives you:
1) A login route, controller, template -> You can now generate this via the make:auth command
2) Login processing -> actually, FOSUserBundle uses the Symfony security system for this. And this can also be generated via the make:auth command
3) Registration route, controller & template -> I think we need a make:registration-form command, but it doesn't exist yet. I'd recommend building this by hand - registration (fortunately) is not too difficult
4) Reset password -> This is an important one, and I hope we can have an open source bundle soon that *just* provides this functionality.
I hope that makes sense! Using FOSUserBundle is not bad - it's a very high quality bundle. However, soon, I think it will be faster and more flexible to avoid it.

Hi Ryan weaverryan - For a new symfony 5 project (migrating non-framework'd project into symfony) would you recommend make:registration-form and make:auth rather than FOSUserBundle? I've read Fabien's book (both, actually) and am re-working my way through your Symfony 4 Basics screencasts using symfony 5. I only have a few months' experience with Symfony 2, and some recent experience with Symfony 3. The screencasts are invaluable training.
Hey Ed,
Yes, I'm sure Ryan will suggest you to use Maker commands :) FOSUserBundle is great, but when things go complex - it's hard to extend it. And on practice, you always want to extend FOSUserBundle because you need your custom templates, etc. So, better use maker commands instead ;)
Hey Ed,
You're welcome!
P.S. And now MakerBundle is able to generate "forgotten password" feature! All you need to have for this like Controllers, templates, etc. are auto-generated and ready to use and customize for devs! See related merged PR:

I'm trying to override the template for resetting the password from the user. I leave here an opened question in stackoverflow. Please I need to solve this as soon as possible.

Hey, I have followed the setup instructions, but my screen layout looks different, is there a way I can send you a screenshot?
Hey Shaun,
Yes, you can upload your screenshot to a cloud like Imgur and then paste a link to it in your comment ;)

Super screencasts about FOSuserBundle ! but can we have just another about JWT and FOSuserBundle ?
Hey @disqus_wefmccz0Ip!
Ah, interesting! So..... I can give you a short answer :). If you're building a web app (even one with a SPA), you should just use session cookies - simpler than JWT. If you *do* need API authentication, then create a JWT authenticator with Guard ( There's really nothing special with FOSUserBundle for this: you won't really use any of its features for the authenticator. You'll just query the database for the user like normal :).

Can you make one for the FOSOAuthServerBundle too? Tha would be fantastic, especially in combination with FOSUserBundle!
I've got that added to our list! I think it's quite time that we talked about OAuth and Symfony :). But, it won't be too soon (sorry! Lots to do).
Hey Egor,
Not yet, see Ryan's opened PR about Symfony 4 support: . So you'll be able to use it only after it's merged.

HI can you include multiuser auth system?
For example, in an application different users can have different login form or same login form, but they all have separate registration form. May be these user entities can have different fields in them.
Hey @napester_shine!
The best way to handle this.... depends on your app! The big question for me isn't whether or not users have a different or the same login form, but whether or not those different users will access the same areas of the site? For example, suppose you have "admin" users and "normal" users. And suppose that "admin" users can ONLY visit URLs starting with /admin/ (i.e. they CANNOT access the rest of the site, like /products). And the "normal" users can ONLY visit the URLs that don't start with /admin/. AND, admin users and normal users have a lot of different information in the database. If - and only if - you have all of these, then you might consider creating 2 user entities and 2 firewalls. In this situation, I would not use FOSUserBundle.
But for the vast majority of setups, I would only have *one* User entity and *one* firewall. Having multiple registration forms is fine - you can create as many as you want. Having multiple login forms is also fine - I would create a Guard authenticator to process each. You could assign different roles (or set some boolean property on each user) for the different user types. Then add security checks so that different users can only access different parts of the site.
tl;dr; Even if you only have one User entity and one firewall... there's nothing stopping you from creating as many login and registration forms as you want. But, you might not want to use FOSUserBundle - it will just start to get in the way. The only real negative with one User entity is that you may have extra fields on it that are used by one user type, but not a different user type. Unless you have a lot of fields... it wouldn't really concern me.

How to explain FOSUserBundle dont change password if it leaves empty, and do not validate password if it editing but validate if adding(registering).
Thank you

Awesome tutorial! To the point, no bullshit or unnecessary stuff, easy to follow and fun to watch. Thanks so much, your Symfony track helps putting together the big picture and fill the gaps. And extra thanks for demystifying terms like dependency injection ;) Keep up the good work.
yeeeees :) nice