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The new Voter Class

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Create a new controller - viewUserAction - that will live at /users/{username} with a route named user_view:

// ... lines 1 - 10
class DefaultController extends Controller
// ... lines 13 - 60
* @Route("/users/{username}", name="user_view")
public function viewUserAction(User $user)
// ... lines 66 - 70

Here's the challenge: we need to restrict who is allowed to view this page based on some complex business logic. Maybe I can view only my page... unless I'm an admin... who can view anyone's page. This is a classic situation where security isn't global, it's dependent on the object being accessed. I can see my user page but not your user page.

This is the perfect case for voters. I've been talking about these for years... and they are still underused. Repeat after me, "I do not need ACL, I need voters". And good news, voters are even easier to use in Symfony 3... I mean 2.8.

Instead of passing $username to the action, type-hint the User object:

// ... lines 1 - 4
use AppBundle\Entity\User;
// ... lines 6 - 10
class DefaultController extends Controller
// ... lines 13 - 60
* @Route("/users/{username}", name="user_view")
public function viewUserAction(User $user)
// ... lines 66 - 70

Thanks to the FrameworkExtraBundle, Symfony will query for the User automatically based on the username property.

Using a Voter

Next, add if (!$this->isGranted('USER_VIEW', $user)){}. If this is not granted, throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('No!'). If access is granted just dump('Access granted', $user);die;:

// ... lines 1 - 63
public function viewUserAction(User $user)
if (!$this->isGranted('USER_VIEW', $user)) {
throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('NO!');
dump('Access granted!', $user);die;
// ... lines 72 - 73

The mysterious thing is USER_VIEW. We usually pass things like ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN to isGranted(). But you can invent whatever string you want: I made up USER_VIEW.

The Voter System

Whenever you call isGranted(), Symfony asks a set of "voters" whether or not the current user should be granted access. One of the default voters handles anything that starts with ROLE_. And guess what! You can also pass an object as a second argument to isGranted(). That's also passed to the voters.

Here's the plan: create a new voter that decides access whenever we pass USER_VIEW to isGranted().

Create the Voter

In the Security directory, create a new class called UserVoter and make this extend Voter:

19 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace AppBundle\Security;
// ... lines 4 - 5
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\Voter;
class UserVoter extends Voter
// ... lines 10 - 18

This is a new class in Symfony 2.8 that's easier than the old AbstractVoter.

Use command+n to open the generate menu and select "Implement methods". The two methods you need are supports and voteOnAttribute:

19 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
// ... lines 6 - 7
class UserVoter extends Voter
protected function supports($attribute, $object)
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $object, TokenInterface $token)
// TODO: Implement voteOnAttribute() method.

This is a little different than before.

Now stop! And go register this as a service. Call it user_voter and add its class: UserVoter. There aren't any arguments, but you do need a tag called security.voter:

16 lines | app/config/services.yml
// ... lines 1 - 5
// ... lines 7 - 11
class: AppBundle\Security\UserVoter
- { name: security.voter }

As soon as we give it this tag, the supports method will be called every time we call isGranted(), asking our voter "Yo! Do you support this attribute, like ROLE_USER or USER_VIEW?".

I'm already logged in - so I'll head to /users/weaverryan. Access denied! Right now, none of the voters are voting on this: they are all saying that they don't support the USER_VIEW attribute. If nobody votes, access is denied.

Adding Voter Logic

So let's code: In supports(), if (attribute != 'USER_VIEW'), then return false:

35 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class UserVoter extends Voter
// ... lines 11 - 17
protected function supports($attribute, $object)
if ($attribute != 'USER_VIEW') {
return false;
// ... lines 23 - 28
// ... lines 30 - 34

This says: "I don't know, go bother some other voter!".

Add another if statement. Wait! Change the argument to $object - this is the object - if any - that's passed to isGranted(). Some now-fixed bad PHP-Doc in Symfony caused that issue.

Anyways, if (!$object instanceof User), then also return false: we only vote on User objects. Finally, at the bottom, return true:

35 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 17
protected function supports($attribute, $object)
if ($attribute != 'USER_VIEW') {
return false;
if (!$object instanceof User) {
return false;
return true;
// ... lines 30 - 35

You can of course make your voter support multiple attributes like USER_EDIT or even multiple objects. I usually have one voter per object.

If you return true from supports(), then voteOnAttribute() is called:

35 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class UserVoter extends Voter
// ... lines 11 - 30
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $object, TokenInterface $token)
// ... line 33

This is where you shine: do whatever crazy business logic you need to and ultimately return true for access or false to deny access. The $attribute and $object are the same as before and $token gives you access to the currently-logged-in user.

Instead of adding real logic, let's let EvilSecurityRobot decide our fate. Add a __construct() method with EvilSecurityRobot as the only argument. Create a property and set it:

35 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class UserVoter extends Voter
private $robot;
public function __construct(EvilSecurityRobot $robot)
$this->robot = $robot;
// ... lines 17 - 34

In voteOnAttribute(), return $this->robot->doesRobotAllowAccess();:

35 lines | src/AppBundle/Security/UserVoter.php
// ... lines 1 - 30
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $object, TokenInterface $token)
return $this->robot->doesRobotAllowAccess();

Finally, update the service in services.yml for the new argument. But take the lazy way out: set autowire: true:

17 lines | app/config/services.yml
// ... lines 1 - 5
// ... lines 7 - 11
class: AppBundle\Security\UserVoter
autowire: true
- { name: security.voter }

Head to the brower and try it!

Hey, access granted! Refresh again, access not granted! Again! Not granted, again, granted! The EvilSecurityRobot is hard at work causing us problems with its evil access rules.

Ok, tl;dr: use voters, they're easier than ever and you can do whatever crazy business logic you need.