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The concepts of OAuth2 we're teaching in this tutorial are still valid, but the course project code is ancient.

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Serious OAuth in 8 Steps

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Hey guys and gals! In this tutorial, we're going to get serious with OAuth by building an app with some complex and real-life features, like Facebook authentication, dealing with refresh tokens and more. We'll need about 8 steps to turn a barebones starting app into a complex, OAuth machine:

  1. Client Credentials: making API requests for our own account
  2. Authorization Code: Getting a token for another user's account
  3. Logging in via OAuth
  4. OAuth with Facebook
  5. OAuth in JavaScript with Google+
  6. Handling Expired Tokens
  7. Using Refresh Tokens
  8. Tightening up Security

As we go through these, we'll give you any theory and background you need.

Tiny Crash Course in OAuth

For now, you just need to understand that OAuth is an Authorization Framework. In human-speak, it means that it defines the different ways two parties, like your cool web site and a user on your website, can exchange tokens securely. Each of these ways is known as a grant type and though they look different, each grant type will always deliver an access token.

OAuth Token

So what's this token? It's just a unique string tied to my account that gives you access to make API requests on my behalf. It's like a username and password all rolled into one. For example, if ABCD1234 is a valid token to my Facebook account, then an HTTP request that looks like this would post to my timeline:

POST /weaverryan/feed HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length


Exactly how you pass the access token in an API request is different between Facebook, Twitter, or any other API. But it's always there.

I could just give you my username and password, but a token is much better. If I give 10 apps access to my account, each app will have its own token, which means I can revoke access to some apps, but not others.

Tokens can have a limited scope, which is huge. Unlike a password which gives you access to do anything on my account, I can give you a token that lets you view my Facebook friends, but not post to my wall.

So OAuth is really just a big set of rules that describe how two parties can exchange tokens. If I create a website where I want to access my users' Facebook friends, exactly how does a user give me an access token?

Let's answer that question, along with the thrilling topic of token expiration, the hopeful story of refresh tokens, the inspirational tale of single-sign on and all kinds of other things.

Let's go!