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The Symfony Plugin has all kinds of awesome setup for Twig integration. So let's render a template here, movie/new.html.twig:

// ... lines 1 - 9
* @Route("/movies/new", name="movies_new")
public function newAction()
return $this->render('movie/new.html.twig', array());
// ... lines 17 - 18

PHPStorm highlights this immediately because it's missing its template, how thoughtful!

Let's make that template, in app/Resources/views we'll create a directory called movie and a file called new.html.twig. Like always, start by extending the base template, but notice we get autocomplete on that extends tag which is fantastic! And we even get autocomplete on the template name. Down here, we get more autocomplete on block and endblock -- it's like Christmas morning!

{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
<h1>New Samuel L Jackson Movie</h1>
{% endblock %}

For our h1 tag we'll say 'New Samuel L Jackson Movie'. And because the plugin gives us intelligence on the Twig file names, you can hover over any template name, hold command, and click it to go there. You can even do the same thing on a block: holding command and clicking block body takes us to the block body in base.html.twig because it knows where that's coming from.

I'll close these two templates and go back to our controller. When we refresh we've got our functional page. Now, to the left of newAction, we have a cute little icon that appeared. When you click it, it shows you related files to this controller. So we see here we've got the controller itself and the template, and this list will get longer as we start referencing more things like repositories and services.

Like most templates, we're going to want to use some variables. Let's start with a quote variable that we'll display in the form for inspiration. Eventually we'll have this generated randomly but for now we'll just hardcode it in:

// ... lines 1 - 12
public function newAction()
return $this->render('movie/new.html.twig', array(
'quote' => 'If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. (Pulp Fiction)'
// ... lines 19 - 20

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions". Oh Sam you're too much!

I could just go to my tree and double click new.html.twig to open it again, but instead I'm going to hold command and click the name in the controller to get us there. In the template we'll use the normal `{{ }}` inside a p tag, but watch this: we get autocomplete on our quote variable. That is huge!

10 lines | app/Resources/views/movie/new.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block body %}
// ... lines 4 - 5
{{ quote }}
{% endblock %}

In my experience, it doesn't work 100% of the time, but it does work most of the time. It will even look inside your controller to see what kind of object it is and give you autocomplete on its methods.

And remember, anywhere that you get autocomplete, you can hit command+space to see all of your options. Here it shows us the variable and all of the function names and filters that come from everywhere inside of Symfony and Twig. For example, if you start using the upper filter, you'll get that autocompleted. Same goes for the date filter, and as you're typing date you'll see the arguments you'll need. The first is the value to the left and the second here - format - is what we'll use on the filter itself: it's a nice reminder we need to pass something like Y-m-d. To make this a bit clearer I'll add 'Today is:' before the date is actually rendered and we'll put our quote in an h3 tag.

11 lines | app/Resources/views/movie/new.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block body %}
// ... line 4
<p>Today: {{ 'now'|date('Y-m-d') }}</p>
// ... lines 6 - 9
{% endblock %}

If you really can't remember how the date filter works, you can hold command now and click into it. That's going to take you to whatever class provides that filter. In this case there's two. If you ever see something like this: where one is in the cache directory, just ignore that and click the other option.

The Twig environment is passed first and after that you have the date, the format and the timezone and you can just see how things work. This is wonderful for debugging.

Eventually we're going to have a form so I'll go ahead and create a new template called _form.html.twig and put my fake form tag stuff right there. Heck, go crazy and throw a button in too:

<form action="" method="POST">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>

You're seeing another trick with PHPStorm, the mini-code generation comes from a feature called live templates. I just type form, hit tab, and it builds the tag for me. The same works with button then tab, textarea then tab and a lot of other things. We'll create our own live templates in a bit.

Back in new.html.twig, you know how this works. We use the include function and not only do you get autocomplete on that function name, but you also get it on the template name. Don't worry about the "movie" part of the name, just start typing _form.html.twig and you're all set. And there are two formats here: both valid, but I like the first one, it's cleaner.

13 lines | app/Resources/views/movie/new.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block body %}
// ... lines 4 - 6
{{ include('movie/_form.html.twig') }}
// ... lines 8 - 11
{% endblock %}

Go back and refresh, beautiful! Everything looks awesome, except I guess my button is ugly. So I'll throw in some twitter bootstrap classes to make this a bit prettier.

Ahh there we go! And that's some of what you can expect now with Twig!