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This tutorial uses an older version of Symfony of the stripe-php SDK. The majority of the concepts are still valid, though there *are* differences. We've done our best to add notes & comments that describe these changes.

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Your Stripe Dashboard

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So you want to handle payment on the web? You brave, foolish soul :).

Nah, it's fine - these days, handling credit card payments is a blast. Especially with Stripe - an awesome service we've used on KnpU for years.

But let's be real: you're dealing with people's money, so don't muck it up! If you screw up or do something insecure, there could be real consequences. You will at least have an angry customer. So I guess this tutorial is all about accepting money and having happy customers.

So let's build a real-life, robust payment system so that when things go wrong - because they will - we fail gracefully, avoid surprises and make happy customers.

Code Along with Me. Do it!

As always, I beg you, I implore you, to code along with me! To do that, download the course code on this page, unzip it, and move into the start/ directory. That will give you the same code I have here.

This is a Symfony project, but we'll avoid going too deep into that stuff because I want to focus on Stripe. Inside, open the file and follow the setup details to get the project running. The last step is to open your favorite console app, move into the directory, and run:

php bin/console server:run

to start up the built-in web server.

Our Great Idea: Sheep Shear Club

But before you start collecting any money, you need to come up with that next, huge idea. And here at KnpUniversity, we're convinced we've uncovered the next tech unicorn.

Ready to find out what it is? Open your browser, and go to:


That's right: welcome to The Sheep Shear Club, your one-stop shop for artisanal shearing accessories for the most dapper of sheep. Purchase cutting-edge individual products - like one of our After-Shear scents - or have products delivered directly to your farm with a monthly subscription.

Gosh, it's shear luck that we got to this idea first. Once we finish coding the checkout, our competition will be feeling sheepish.

But the site is pretty simple: we have a login page - the password is breakingbaad. After you login, you can add items to your cart and they'll show up on the checkout page. But notice, there is no checkout form yet. That's our job.

Getting to Know your Stripe Dashboard

The first step towards that is to sign up with a fancy new account on Stripe. Once you're in, you'll see this: your new e-commerce best friend: the Stripe dashboard.

There is a lot here, but right now I want you to notice that there are two environments: "test" and "live". These are like two totally separate databases full of orders, customers and more, and you can just switch between them to see your data.

Also, once you login, when you read the Stripe documentation, it will actually pre-fill your account's API keys into code examples.

Let's use those docs to put in our checkout form!