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Installing Doctrine


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Yo friends! It's time for episode 3 of our Symfony 7 series. And this is an exciting one because we're bringing our app to life with a database. We don't need any new libraries to do this, but because it's awesome and smells like cookies, we'll use a library called Doctrine. And while Doctrine and Symfony are separate projects, they fit together like quantum entangled particles. Spooky action at a distance, baby!

I'm Kevin, and I'll be your starship captain on this journey. Engage! I've always wanted to say that.

To adventure with me through database space, download the course code and follow the setup guide in the README.md. The last step, which I already did, is to run:

symfony serve -d

to start a local web server at Say hello to the Star Shop from our previous episodes. We have a "Ship Repair Queue" where we list starships currently docked for repairs. Now, this may look like the data is coming from some kind of database, but it's really just hardcoded. Lame!

Time to Warp 9 this app to the world of databases!

Requiring Doctrine

First things first: we need to install Doctrine. Pop over to the terminal and run:

composer require doctrine

Whoa, this installed a bunch of stuff! We can see it also configured some Flex recipes. We're being asked if we want to include Docker configuration from recipes. Choose p to enable this permanently. We'll talk about Docker in the next chapter but don't worry, Docker isn't required for this tutorial.

Scroll up a bit to see what happened. The doctrine package we installed is actually a Flex alias for a Flex pack called symfony/orm-pack. Remember, Flex packs are just a collection of libraries that work well together. The end result a super robust Doctrine setup.

The first interesting package is doctrine/dbal. DBAL stands for Database Abstraction Layer. That's a fancy way of saying it provides a consistent way to work with different database platforms. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc. It's super important, though it mostly hides behind the scenes.

The second is doctrine/orm. ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. Fancy words for a library that helps us map PHP objects to database tables. We'll dive hard into this.

Then there are a few others that tie Doctrine into Symfony and a migrations library we'll use to add new tables and stuff like that.

The rest of these are background support packages for Doctrine and you can ignore them.

Doctrine Flex Recipes

But what's really interesting is what the Flex recipes for these packages did. Run:

git status

The modified files are standard Flex recipe stuff. .env was modified with some Doctrine-specific environment variables - we'll see those soon - and config/bundles.php was updated to enable the two bundles we installed.

These untracked files are new files added by the Flex recipes. These compose*.yaml files will help us start a database container in the next chapter.

In config/packages/, we have 2 new files - doctrine.yaml and doctrine_migrations.yaml. These have good defaults, so we'll just check them out as needed.

The recipes added an empty migrations/ directory, an empty src/Entity/ directory, and an empty src/Repository/ directory. We'll dive into all of these one-by-one.

Ok! We have Doctrine installed, so we can talk to databases... except that... we don't actually have a database server running yet. Let's get one going next!