2709 search results for Doctrine

... ``` doctrine: dbal: # configure these for your database server driver: 'pdo_mysql' server_version: '5.5' ...
... highly modified version of CI 3 - and getting resemble to Symfony more day by day (thanks to your tutorials)) but at one point (after mastering in Doctrine and MultiLingual issues) we want to switch Symfony fully :)
Yahya A. Erturan
Yahya A. Erturan
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... ) 'db2' => array('conn'=>'###','port'=>'###',...etc.) 'db3' => array('conn'=>'###','port'=>'###',...etc.) break; ...etc I want to know if you could help me do this using the entity manager http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html or is there a more preferred way? Thanks in advance
Nathanael Mallow
Nathanael Mallow
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... console: type: console process_psr_3_messages: false channels: ["!event", "!doctrine", "!console"] ``` ...
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... build aditional Entities to hold "dictonary data (vchar) as description of these data", and joining those information by Doctrine engine. User have vchar description, but engine works on integers only. That's why that ...
Piotr Potrawiak
Piotr Potrawiak
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... - e.g. caching. The only exception is if I were processing MANY rows (e.g. making a CSV download) where I needed to keep memory managed. In that case, I'd probably be doing a low-level query (e.g. something like option 1, but with a Doctrine "iterator"). Cheers! ...
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... ; 3. create a custom hydrator; 4. use joins. Cons: 1. I will miss the objects logic; 2. I will kill performances because of queries; 3. seems overkilling, looking at the Doctrine docs; 4. I will kill performances if children hydrating tons of objects Any idea?
... modify the query to add more complex logic to it and just when you'll do some refactoring. And that's it :) Doctrine is smart enough to convert andWhere() into simple where() if it contains the first WHERE statement P.s ...
... https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/issues/5933#issuecomment-328925708. This "entity manage is closed" was never a problem I ran into, so I can't verify that it's fixed now, but I believe it is. Even if you inject the ...
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Hey Victor, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am talking about migrating legacy app which already has some data to Symfony and Doctrine and the legacy database already includes the 'link table' and all tables are populated ...
Laravel Nick
Laravel Nick
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... \Doctrine\HashPasswordListener autowire: true tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber } app.form.help_form_extension: class: AppBundle\Form\TypeExtension\HelpFormExtension ...
Hi Diego! Nice find! It's a new feature in Doctrine, and not one that I've used yet. It looks like a mixture of "Lifecycle callbacks" (where the "callback" is always inside of the entity class) and an event listener ...
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... can't be handled invisibly by Doctrine? I'm thinking I need to create a new repository function for this particular query - but I'm not quite sure how the expression engine syntax will reference it. Thanks, John
... Security objects. Doctrine checks exactly for this, but the exception it throws is honestly not quite as clear as it could be. Hopefully this unblocks you :D. Cheers!
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... doctrine to write those three entities in the same time. - I have already made the may-to-one relations from last category entity to manufacturer, gave fields passing right Object to 'set' methods in entities I sow in this ...
... Person and Address (/**@ORM\Table(name="person") @ORMEntity() */ /**@ORM\Table(name="address") @ORMEntity() */) When I do doctrine:migrations:diff i get the error: [Doctrine\ORM\ORMException ...
Ferdinand geerman
Ferdinand geerman
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... said), you can get a better idea of how to achieve it here: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/association-mapping.html#many-to-many-self-referencing but I don't think you need to ...
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... legacy projects which have big data. First of all, you need to use a library to generate URI-compatible slugs, and then you need a custom logic written in PHP to make those slugs unique. So doing all of this in Doctrine ...
... want to continue y/N ?y > purging database > loading Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\EmptyFixture > loading AppBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadFixtures ``` Oh, I also forgot to mention that I switched over to using the ...
... last is "Doctrine Collections" I think, but it's probably not very important because we often make some changes after previous course before starting a new course, so better to download the initial course code and start ...