2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Greg! I was just looking for a bit more information, because I'm not convinced I've given you enough to solve this yet (and I'm curious about what's going on). As I said earlier, for some reason, Doctrine is ...
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... set back on your entity, that is a *full* entity object. You could, in theory, use a partial objects (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10482085/how-to-fetch-class-instead-of-array-in-doctrine-2#answer-12044461). Or, you ...
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... Doctrine is trying to convert the SubFamily into a string to save it to the database. This isn't the easiest error to debug, but there it is :). Btw, it wouldn't help here a TON, but if you pass -vvv to any command, you can ...
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He Weaverryan, So far I love everything! Great courses. keep it up! :) I got a problem with this startup. I copied the new files, dropped, created, and migrated doctrine. Now I wanted to load the fixtures (I copied ...
Daan Hage
Daan Hage
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Hey Claudio! Ah, you're right - my answer above is a bit too "ahead" - it applies to how your code would look after the Doctrine relations tutorial when we make the notes dynamic! For now, it should look something like ...
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OK, so speaking in terms, you have many-to-many relationship between Slide and Bank entities. Here's a link about this implementation using Doctrine ORM: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony2-ep3/many-to-many ...
Hey Dennis, Ha, that's a good question! Actually, it depends... and btw, we use it in other tutorial: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony2-ep3/doctrine-lifecycle-callback . So, here's a point: use ...
... own thing", which is "frowned upon", but happens all the time. And in that case, I like simple structures, so I just exposed the doctrine relation. I hope that helps! There's still a lot in REST that is subjective. I ...
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... \Question". Check your Doctrine configuration to make sure it is configured to load this entity’s metadata. What should I do to continue? Thanks in advance!
... slugs and avoid such as "?", "#", etc. Thanks to the bundles, there're already a couple of third-party libs which help with generating a slug for Doctrine entities. Probably, the most popular is the "StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle" which has a lot of DoctrineExtensions's features includes a Sluggable one. So check it out. Cheers!
... still dont understand why but that is why above code did not work so for anyone having similar issue with Gedmo this might be the solution to set priority. Based on docs https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine ...
Hey Dmitriy, IIRC there's no something similar to Doctrine batch processing in Messenger, but probably instead of trying to dispatch like you suggested you better create a different "batch" message? Something like ...
... the version of the DB you're trying to connect, and make sure you set up the server version correctly in your Doctrine config file, or most probably in your DATABASE_URL value. I hope that helps! Cheers!
... when you remove an answer, you do so by setting its `question` field to `null`, and that is where the "orphan removal" feature of Doctrine kicks in. It will detect those cases and remove the record entirely. I hope it is more clear now :)
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... - Doctrine should even create that when you run doctrine:database:create :). But anyways, one tricky thing with sqlite is that it doesn't have a fancy "mysql" command line tool. There a few GUI tools for visualizing an ...
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... making your `items` on your DTO an `ArrayCollection` from Doctrine to test that theory (so that both sides are a type of "collection" object). Cheers!
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... Doctrine-Entity). Then I had a DataTransformer, which took the ApiResource, which acted as Input-DTO, used the IDs to make a Database-Query and returned a collection of Entities. Now, I tried to do the same with ...
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... about writing complex custom DB queries leveraging Doctrine while UnitOfWork is more about operations and hooks. But yeah, I understand you! The topic around UnitOfWork is also interesting and complex, but it would be a ...
... (see: [phpstan/phpstan issue 150](https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan-doctrine/issues/150)) on this approach, but no solution or possibility to customize had been proposed. **Update:** I added this now into ...
Hi there, Thanks for the great tutorial! I've followed along but tried a slightly different route, by creating the entities via doctrine using ```bin/console doctrine:generate:entity``` and choosing yml as the mapping ...
Nathaniel Kolenberg
Nathaniel Kolenberg
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