2708 search results for Doctrine

... field, use it in your custom query ...."* Do you think is also possible to use the "*company*" or similar field to prefix table names, including **User **tabel, as stated at https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.16/cookbook/sql-table-prefixes.html ?? Thank you in advance for your help
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bah... my bad =) sorry for that. Yeah, that is a pretty tricky situation. However, there still are some ways to go. For example you can use request event ``` namespace App\EventSubscriber; use Doctrine\ORM ...
Hey @Fedale! That's a great question. I can think of 2 options, and they're both totally fine imo: * 1) A doctrine listener/subscriber as you were mentioning. These are a bit magic and they're hard to debug if you ...
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... production machines. There are functions (up and down) filled automaticaly with code but how can I tell doctrine to rollback the last migration? i.e. to use the down method of the actual migration? I tried things like ...
... exactly what I want -- to control the starting offset, not the page. Doctrine\Orm\Extension\PaginationExtension,php [$offset, $limit] = $pagination; $offset = $context['filters']['start']; More ...
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... more "hipster" now :) You can read about the difference in the docs: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/current/reference/types.html#datetime-immutable Cheers!
Hey MattWelander, You probably need to specify those collate and collation options in the `DATABASE_URL` since you're using Doctrine configuration this way. I'm afraid that `DATABASE_URL` may overwrite your config ...
Hey Matt! Yea, this is a weird thing about Doctrine... it doesn't "come up" much, but it is a bit inflexible :/. You could, at one point, call `$em->flush($entity)`, but that was deprecated and apparently was never ...
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... Doctrine to use `"user"` instead of `user` for that Entity? Or do I need to rename the Entity to something else? I've tried to apply the quotes via an annotation `#[ORM\Table(name: '"user"')]` but that caused a ...
Hi weaverryan, Thank you for your help. I tried to do what you said but i have this error message : `App\Form\CountryType::App\Form\{closure}(): Argument #2 ($city) must be of type ?App\Entity\City, Doctrine\Common ...
Hello everybody, a happy new year to everybody. Especially the ones in the far east of europe. Could anyone please tell me why this statements throws an error when executed by doctrine but not when directly executed ...
... docker desktop app (bleh), the docker daemon was started and the symfony app found the database through doctrine right away. My next questions are out of scope, but do you know how to run the docker daemon without the ...
Hello @weaverryan. I just started a new symfony project with `symfony new` and run the `composer require doctrine` commande right after, to put your theory to the test. In this new project, everything seems to work ...
... all, when you create a ManyToOne entity, doctrine create method "add" and "remove"; if you want to enable embed write, you have to create a setter for user, setUser(array $users ), otherwise embedded write does not work ...
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... the problem is on this line - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/1a811560d55c5f479fddcc8b7b0f7b36b6e734aa/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/FilterEagerLoadingExtension.php#L155 - I'm not sure what it is, but something is going wrong with getting information about *how* to join to make this filter. Cheers!
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... related resources; let we want to apply the same business rule ( hide unpublished content ) also on related resource ( es: a company endpoint that show related products, loaded lazy as doctrine entities ) Actually, I ...
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... `Product` class with `Valid` above a collection of `productPhotos` - the validator would call `$product->getProductPhotos()` to validate them, which would cause Doctrine to query and hydrate ALL of the related photos ...
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Consider this tho: this works flawlessly in propel! (just for argument sake, if it works in propel, out of the box, no extra bundle required, i think it would be great for doctrine to have it too). back on topic: yeah i ...
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... onto that the fact that each row now has many translations, and you quickly (and correctly) get a big, ugly matrix. I use some of the more magic behaviors sparingly - learning from Doctrine version 1 that the magic has ...
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... you'll have to implement something similar to what Doctrine migrations do. In a database table, you'll have to keep track of all executed commands, and before executing a command, you'll have to check the table. Your naming ...
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