2708 search results for Doctrine

... 5.6 first so that Doctrine perfor specific queries: $ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force But it's not recommended to run this on production when you have some data, it may truncate them. If you wonder what ...
Hello, I am implementing custom authentication with guard end everything works fine until I create password encoding. To encode password I use doctrine event listeners (I pass @security.password_encoder as a servcie ...
... like it upgraded not only the Maker bundle but all your packages, including Doctrine package. Basically, you need to do what the error message suggest you, change typehint from "RegistryInterface" to "ManagerRegistry" in your "ArticleRepository" (and probably in other entity repositories too). I hope this helps! Cheers!
... possible to do with a custom filter... I'd say it should be possible I think. But Doctrine adds an overhead on plain SQL queries to make it work as DQL, so it might be tricky. But I have a workaround I could suggest you ...
Thank you, but I did not serialize anything. I saw on the stackoverflow that problem is: "The problem is, when User Entity was implementing the UserInterface, the user provider(actually the Doctrine, behind the scene ...
... Let's say that the cheeselisting title/name has to be unique. And the user tries to POST a cheeselisting with the same name twice, I have it in my doctrine set to unique, and api platform returns a 500 server error ...
... `server_version` config (in `config/package/doctrine.yaml`) isn't set correctly, then Doctrine gets a bit confused about your database and it will generate this SQL *every* time you run `make:migration`, even if you run ...
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... [--no-warmup] [--no-optional-warmers] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--] !! !! Script @auto-scripts was called via post-install-cmd` And at least the command `composer update doctrine/annotations` fixes the problem.
Hey Virgile, I'm not sure if we cover it somewhere, but I think this course might be interesting for you: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-queries - we cover ...
Good news weaverryan , You are right :), the change can be written in 2 value formats server_version: 'mariadb-10.3.16' or server_version: '10.3.16-mariadb' Doctrine understands both (clever). In addition, I also had ...
... think of is because I built the database first then generated entities using existing databasev https://symfony.com/doc/4.4/doctrine/reverse_engineering.html but since I took this course and learnt and adopted from these ...
... I think the first approach is maybe the best (or someone can point me to the holy grail). Next step is to figure it out using doctrine. Really appreciate thinking with me Diego (and others)
Paul Rijke
Paul Rijke
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... CHANGE is_vaccination is_vaccination TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL'); I had and legacy database and created Entities using https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/reverse_engineering.html and it made good work ...
Avraham M.
Avraham M.
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... During class fetch: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeGuesserInterface not found in /var/www/symfony/the_spacebar/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Form/DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser.php:25 Stack ...
... the internet, also found saying this is bad. And instead said to select each field which you need, even if you need most of them. But I now see in doctrine you and also other coders select all columns without specifying ...
Lijana Z.
Lijana Z.
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... learned so much new things in this course. I had been working with doctrine for a while and watched some videos already, and I thought probably I will not learn a lot new from this. Of course I could live with what I know, otherwise I would have learned earlier, but maybe will find where to use those new things, at least some of them.
Lijana Z.
Lijana Z.
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Hey Rahul, Hm, could you show your migration. Sometimes Doctrine generate migrations not perfect, so it's a good idea to check if everything is good in just generated migration and tweak it if needed. Os, it sounds ...
... supported anymore in 5.0.` It looks like this is/was being dealt with here and that a fix was merged in for the symfony/maker-bundle, but the trace shows the warning starting in .../vendor/stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ...
Christopher R.
Christopher R.
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... the following message is given: Expected argument of type "Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder", "array" given What's wrong? Since I have followed your steps, I consider it could come from Symfony version: got 3.3.2. Any help would be welcome. Brs. :)
... need all the features from Tree behavior - it might be enough to use just DB "One-To-Many Self-referencing" relations and have getParent()/getChildren() methods, see https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm ...