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Security & the User Class

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Yeaaaa! You've done it! You've made it to the tutorial where we get to build a security system with Symfony. This stuff is cool. Seriously, these days, the topic of security is gigantic! Just think about authentication: you might need to build a traditional login form, or a token-based API authentication system, or two-factor authentication or authentication across an API to a Single Sign-On server or something I've never even dreamed of before! For authorization, there are roles, access controls and more.

Woh. So we're going to write some seriously fun code in this tutorial. And it will be especially fun, because there are some new cool toys in Symfony's security system that make it nicer than ever to work with.

Coding Along!

As always, to become a true Symfony security geek... and to obtain the blueprint to the Deathstar, you should definitely code along with me. Download the course code from this page. When you unzip it, you'll find a start/ directory that has the same code that you see here. Follow the README.md file for all the important setup details.

Oh, and if you've been coding along with me in the Symfony series so far, um, you're amazing! But also, be sure to download the new code: I made a few changes since the last tutorial, including upgrading to Symfony 4.1 and improving our fixture system. More on that later.

Anyways, the last setup step will be to open a terminal, move into the project and run:

php bin/console server:run

to start the built in web server. Ok: head back to your browser and open our app by going to http://localhost:8000.

Hello The SpaceBar! Our awesome intergalactic real news site that helps connect alien species across this side of the Milky Way.

Installing Security & Upgrading MakerBundle

Our first goal in this tutorial is to create an authentication system. In other words: a way for the user to login. No matter how you want your users to authenticate - whether it's a login form, API authentication or something crazier - the first step is always the same: brew some coffee or tea. The second step is also always the same: create a User class.

To do this, we're going to use a brand-spanking new feature! Woo! Find your terminal and run:

composer update symfony/maker-bundle

Version 1.7 of MakerBundle comes with a new command that will make our life much easier. Yep, there it is: 1.7. The new command is called make:user - try it:

php bin/console make:user

Ah! It explodes! Of course! Remember: in Symfony 4, our project starts small. If you need a feature, you need to install it. Run:

composer require security

Ah, check it out: this library has a recipe! When Composer finishes... find out what it did by running:

git status

A new config file! Check it out: config/packages/security.yaml. This file is super important. We'll start talking about it soon.

Creating the User Class with make:user

Before we run make:user again, add all the changed files to git and commit with a message about upgrading MakerBundle & adding security:

git add .
git commit -m "Upgraded MakerBundle and added security"

I'm doing this because I want to see exactly what the make:user command does.

Ok already, let's try it!

php bin/console make:user

Call the class User. Second question:

Do you want to store user data in the database

For most apps, this is an easy yes... because most apps store user data in a local database table. But, what if your user data is stored on some other server, like an LDAP server or a single sign-on server? Well, even in those cases, if you want to store any extra information about your users in a local database table, you should still answer yes. Answer "no" only if you don't need to store any user information to your database.

So, "yes" for us! Next: choose one property on your user that will be its unique display name. This can be anything - it's usually an email or username. We'll talk about how it's used later. Choose email.

And, the last question: is our app responsible for checking the user's password? In some apps - like a pure API with only token authentication, users might not even have a password. And even if your users will be able to login with a password, only answer yes if this app will be responsible for directly checking the user's password. If you actually send the password to a third-party server and it checks if it's valid, choose no.

Remember when I mentioned how complex & different modern authentication systems can be? That's why this command exists: to help walk us through exactly want we need.

I'm going to choose "No" for now. We will add a password later, but we'll keep things extra simple to start.

And... we're done! Awesome! This created a User entity, a Doctrine UserRepository for it, and updated the security.yaml file.

Let's check out these changes next!