2708 search results for Doctrine

Mercure Pushing Stream Updates Async

... yet! That's like installing Doctrine... but without MySQL or Postgresql running! So next, let's get the Mercure service running. There are a bunch of ways to do this. But if you're using the Symfony binary web server like we are... then... it's already done!

UUID as a API Identifier

... And when you use Doctrine, API Platform assumes that you want the database id as the identifier. To tell it to use something different, add @ApiProperty() with identifier=false: That says: Hey! Please don't use this ...

Core Listeners Accessing the Resource Objects

... the isMe field... that's probably fine... because nobody is the currently-authenticated user in a console command anyways. But if you did want a custom field to be populated everywhere - even in a console command - we have one more solution: a Doctrine postLoad listener. Let's check that out next!

How does the Controller Access the Container

... ServiceSubscriberInterface. This is actually something we talk about in one of our Doctrine tutorials. When you implement ServiceSubscriberInterface, it forces you to have a method called getSubscribedServices() where ...

Prod Vault Optimization Vault for Tests

... feature called "validation auto mapping". It's a wicked-smart feature that automatically adds validation constraints based on your Doctrine metadata and also based on the way that your PHP code is written in your class.

Fixing N+1 With a Join

We made a huge leap forward by telling Doctrine to make COUNT queries to count the comments for each BigFootSighting... instead of querying for all the comments just to count them. That's a big win. Could we go further ...

Comparisons Validate Performance Changes Find Side Effects

... one. Next: Blackfire has a deep understanding of PHP, database queries, Redis calls and even libraries like Symfony, Doctrine, Magento, Composer, eZ platform, Wordpress and others. Thanks to that, it automatically detects problems and recommends solutions.

Mapping Messages to Classes in a Transport Serializer

... single message bus and the Doctrine transport. Or, you can go crazy: create multiple transports, send things to RabbitMQ, create custom exchanges with binding keys or use your own serializer to... well... basically do ...

API Debugging with the Profiler

... anyways, like the POST parameters, the request headers, request content - which is really important when you're sending JSON - and all the goodies that you expect - cache, performance, security, Doctrine, etc. In ...

Autocomplete Endpoint Serialization Group

... A circular reference has been detected. This is a common problem with the serializer and Doctrine objects. Check it out: open the User class. By default, the serializer will serialize every property... or more ...

Field Types Options

... be. But, we now know that, because we've bound our form to our entity, the form type "guessing" system is able to read the Doctrine metadata, notice that content looks like a big field, and "guess" that it should be a ...

Giving the Comments an isDeleted Flag

... Doctrine, the value on your entity will be true or false, but in the database, it stores as a tiny int with a zero or one. This looks good, so move back and.... migrate! php bin ...

Awesome Random Fixtures

... To celebrate, move over, refresh and... awesome! 8, random comments. We rock! Next, let's learn about some tricks to control how Doctrine fetches the comments for an article, like, their order.

Fun with Commands

... Guess what? Commands are services. So if you needed your SlackClient service, you would just add a __construct() method and autowire it! With our new knowledge, let's keep going and start mastering features, like the Doctrine ORM, form system, API stuff and a lot more. Alright guys, seeya next time!

More about List Field Types

... types, including all of the Doctrine field types and a few special fancy ones from EasyAdminBundle, like toggle. The "toggle" type is actually super cool: it renders the field as a little switch that turns the value on ...

CollectionType Field

... inverse sides of the relationship, and things called orphanRemoval and cascading. There is some significant Doctrine magic going on behind the scenes to get it working. So in a few minutes, we're going to look at a more ...

DQL Filtering Sorting

... that you're building a query in Doctrine. So, entity.speciedCount >= 50000: The alias will always be entity. Try it! Ten down to... only 7 menacing genuses! And just like any query, you can get more complex. How about ...

Dynamic Roles and Canonical Fields

... field. I'll hold command and click to open the base User class from FOSUserBundle. See, roles holds an array. When you save, it automatically serializes to a string in the database. This is done with the Doctrine array ...

When I do Something Handling the Current User

... be the author for those products: Now, add an if statement that says, if $author is passed then, $product->setAuthor(): I already have that relationship setup with in Doctrine. Great! In thereAreProducts(), change the ...


In every query so far, Doctrine gives us objects. That's its default mode, but we can also easily use it to select specific fields. On our category page, you can see how many of each fortune has been printed over time ...
